狗法官判囚社運青年辱罵法官 義工大狀皺眉
社運青年辱罵法官 義工大狀皺眉 - Yahoo! 新聞香港
HK Lehman Minibonds , Morgan Stanley Octave Notes, and related products misselling fraud of BOCHK, Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd. Reports of bank frauds were hidden to public. HK Legco in their report put Joseph Yam of HKMA responsible for not supervising the banking system of HK , and disapprove Prof. Chan, John Tsang and Martin Wheatley for their handling of Lehman saga.
社運青年辱罵法官 義工大狀皺眉 - Yahoo! 新聞香港
今天我有去聽星展case 的結案陳詞,冇甚特別。但覺真係好兒嬉,單靠個官一個人對件事的睇法就定案?個官其實都未搞清楚產品的複雜性,銀行的銷售手法,他未曾身歷其景,實在好難明白點解咁都會俾人呃!
Coleman 力爭的是要睇事實(指誤導,可惜舉證實在困難),不能單靠文件;並指出如果個合約本身已經是錯誤的,則簽了名都不應承擔責任;又有提到證監條例 108
雷曼苦主大聯盟 - 雷曼苦主大聯盟, Alliance of Lehman Brothers Victims - 媒體報導
雷曼苦主大聯盟 - 雷曼苦主大聯盟, Alliance of Lehman Brothers Victims - 媒體報導
政壇:證監執董人人有薪加 - 太陽報
滴滴金:官場怨婦狗熊不如 - 東方日報
立法會雷曼事宜小組委員會發表報告,狠批相關財金官員失職之外,還點出當前監管制度有缺陷,不能保障投資者利益。 證監會主要職責是規管本港證券行業,但銀行旗下證券業務卻除外,由金管局直接管轄,如此一業兩管制度,容易產生互相卸責的問題,引致弊端叢生。
Editorial Yam's Suggestions Totally Inappropriate - Yahoo! 新聞香港
任志剛罔顧時機 評聯滙添亂 - Yahoo! 新聞香港
雷曼苦主大聯盟 - 雷曼苦主大聯盟, Alliance of Lehman Brothers Victims - 媒體報導
雷曼苦主大聯盟 - 雷曼苦主大聯盟, Alliance of Lehman Brothers Victims - 媒體報導
政壇:小氣候:「三小眾」倒公帑落海須回水 |
雷曼苦主09年委託美國律師 Patrick Daniels向雷曼產品的信託人美國滙豐銀行進行集體訴訟,索償16億美元(約124億港元)。雷曼苦主大聯盟主席陳浩偉昨表示,美國的索償官司與本港銀行的和解協議無關,官司目前仍在進行中。
The subcommittee set up by the Legco for the Lehman Brothers minibond disputes finally completed its report after three years and eight months of "persistent fight" just in time before the legislators' term ends, putting an end to the investigation.
Before the long-standing international financial institution Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, local financial institutions issued $20 billion worth of structured products linked with Lehman loans and sold through banks to over 40,000 customers. Many of them were packaged as "minibonds" for sale, misleading many conservative depositors to suddenly transform into holders of high-risk minibonds. The public agrees with holding regulatory bodies and officials accountable but the scope of controversy mainly lies in the degree of severity.
The final conclusion of the subcommittee was to reprove the then Monetary Authority CEO Joseph Yam Chi-kwong, express "great disappointment" with the then Securities and Futures Commission chief Martin Wheatley and at the same time express disappointment with Financial Secretary John Tsang Chun-wah and Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Chan Ka-keung. A Lehman victim organization immediately criticized that the report was too lenient and asked the two officials to step down. On the other hand, there were legislators in the subcommittee who disagreed with reproving Yam in the report and they refused to sign it. Yam himself responded to it with "Justice is in the hearts of the people".
Criticism meted with different severity and pleasing neither side
The criticism made in the Lehman report has drawn many disputes. The difference in treatment of Yam and Wheatley is one of the things most unable to convince the public. Yam certainly has to bear responsibility for his fault in supervising the banks' selling practices of Lehman minibonds. But with the banks selling minibonds, the Securities and Futures Commission is also duty-bound. Hence the authority and commission should bear equal responsibilities. Since the subcommittee's conclusion said it wanted to treat the matter strictly, then it should have treated everyone equally. Now the criteria lack consistency and credibility undermined. Also, both the victims and those condemned were dissatisfied. It gained favour from neither side.
However, the impartiality of accountability issue in the report being called to question does not mean the subcommittee has wasted so much time and $28 million of public money. If the Legco had not formed this subcommittee and caused unprecedented political pressure through vigorous pursuit, the government officials, regulatory bodies and banks might not necessarily have so seriously addressed the plight of Lehman victims and done their best to reduce their losses.
Investigation produces effect, reduces victims' losses
Through pressuring at different levels, the regulatory bodies remedied the situation and investigated fully. Banks could not but seriously look into faults in their selling procedures. Finally, unprecedented compensation proposals and settlement arrangements were made. Some of the victims could get back 90 per cent of their capitals. The risk was passed back onto the banks. Banks incurred losses in both business reputation and money and they learned a painful lesson.
The Legco's investigation provided Lehman victims with added bargaining power when facing financially strong banks. Banks now pay more attention to a price they had finally to pay for "unscrupulous business operations" and misleading customers into investing in products that did not suit their own risk appetites than before. This resulted in a consensus among regulatory bodies and banks to launch all types of arrangements to protect the interests of customers including the separation of counters providing traditional banking from those for investment services, doing proper customer risk assessments, recording the process of selling the products and ensuring clear explanation of the products and risk to the customers.
The conclusion of the subcommittee's report this time is not perfect. But, the investigation itself has functioned, which is much more important than the conclusion itself. It produced results in serving the people, monitoring the government, pushing reforms and enhancing protection for the citizens. These functions should be affirmed.
雷曼苦主大聯盟 - 雷曼苦主大聯盟, Alliance of Lehman Brothers Victims - 媒體報導
Ex-HKMA chief may face censure over minibonds |
報告揭不良銷售法 但指欠理據告欺詐 銀行最錯反被放生 - 20120607 - 蘋果日報
雷曼報告建議撮要 - 東方日報
查迷債虎頭蛇尾 政治騷令人失望 - 東方日報
【on.cc 東方互動 專訊】 經營貿易的天津齊維寶夫婦,現入稟高院控告滙豐私人銀行(瑞士)(下稱滙豐)銷售投資產品失當,向他們推介不合適的複雜兼高風險的股票掛鈎票據(ELN)及股票累計期權(Accumulator)產品,又無向他們解釋清楚。結果515萬美元投資,只剩約5.9萬美元。齊氏夫婦現向滙豐追索差額損失約509萬美元(約3,971萬港元)。
控匯豐誤導投資雷曼 天津夫婦追3900萬 | 2012年5月24日 |