

香 港 人 權 監 察 新聞稿 -- 何鍾泰強人所難, 委員會不合情理

香 港 人 權 監 察
香 港 上 環 孖 沙 街 二 十 號 金 德 樓 4 樓
4/F Kam Tak Building,
20 Mercer Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
電話Phone: (852) 2811-4488 傳真Fax: (852) 2802-6012


何鍾泰強人所難 委員會不合情理

高先生受該項保密刑法約束,在得到委員會正式傳召到席前作供前,如披露他所知的真相,以滿足委員會的要求,將屬干犯刑法,需要承擔刑事責任。若果高先生不是受到這些刑法的局限,又或香港已訂立了保護那些基於重大公眾利益而挺身揭發部門和機構弊端的法例 (whistleblower legislation),我們相信他早已自由地公開他所知的相關資料,不必等待委員會傳召了。

然而,第378條亦規定,若他們按照根據法律作出的要求而披露資料等情況下,則該項保密責任不再適用。同時,《立法會 (權力及特權) 條例》第9條賦予立法會傳召證人到席前作證的權力,第14條則為傳召證人到席前作供的人,給予應有的保護,令證人享有與他在法院所享有相同的權利或特權,不必因為協助委員會工作而承受刑事的責任。

因此,只要委員會根據《立法會 (權力及特權) 條例》傳召高先生,高先生便可以不必冒著被刑事起訴的情況下,披露他所知悉的事宜,不但詳細解答委員會信中的提問,更可讓公眾了解有關調查事項的真相。






人權監察亦藉此機會提醒重視資訊自由的新聞工作者、以及關心公眾利益的市民,香港有必要訂立法例,保護為公益而揭密的人(whistleblower legislation),令他們不必仰賴立法會的「恩賜」,才能揭露政府和公營機構的黑暗面。

[1] 見2009年11月25日大公報:「韋奕禮周五出席雷曼聆訊」。除大公報外,同日的相關報導尚有香港商報:「韋奕禮將出席迷債聆訊」;太陽報:「政情:雷曼小組捉韋奕禮」及信報財經新聞:「韋奕禮周五出席立會雷曼迷債聆訊」。




得悉 閣下為尚未傳召我到雷曼小組作供對新聞界的解說:「…委員會認為需先了解高秉忠想提供資料的範疇,才會邀請他出席,避免他違反任職期間與證監會簽署的保密協議。…」



我決定放棄證監會的「高薪厚職」,是要向貴委員會提供重要資料,以利 貴委員會調查,伸張公義。貴委員會既擁有特權傳召證人作供,使其免受保密條文所約束,何必再三要求我在沒有傳召令下向 貴委員會提供資料呢?
貴委員會只需花數十分鐘的時間讓我解說,即有助解開 貴委員會調查大半年亦不能解開的疑團;故我對為何這樣做會「濫用制度」,實大惑不解。

倘若我未能向 貴委員會提供有關資料,恐怕 貴委員會的調查工作出現「只見樹木,不見森林」的情況,當調查完結,公眾亦未能了解關鍵事實之全部。

我非常欣賞 閣下為香港和諧而努力的用心,祝貴委員會工作愉快。



立法會Legislative Council
檔 號:CB1/HS/1/01/1
日 期:2002年9月18日(星期三)
時 間:下午2時30分
地 點:立法會會議廳
出席委員: 單仲偕議員(主席)
李家祥議員, JP
曾鈺成議員, GBS, JP
劉漢銓議員, GBS, JP
胡經昌議員, BBS, JP
缺席委員: 何俊仁議員
李國寶議員, GBS, JP
吳亮星議員, JP
梁劉柔芬議員, SBS, JP
余若薇議員, SC, JP


2. 小組委員會進行商議工作(會議過程索引載於附件)。政府當局

3. 政府當局答應採取以下的跟進行動:

(I) 《證券及期貨(保險)規則》(a) 重新考慮規則擬稿,並進一步諮詢市場是否需要由證券及期貨事務監察委員會(下稱“證監會”)為持牌法團安排設立強制性保險計劃,以及這項安排是否切實可行;及(b) 倘若設立強制性保險計劃,考慮訂明證監會所考慮的各項準則,以決定各持牌法團所需繳付的保險費的分攤方法。

(II) 《證券及期貨(費用)規則》(a) 刪除規則擬稿附表4及5,因為規則擬稿第5部已訂明證監會在兩年過渡期內豁免牌照費用的權力;及(b) 證監會將發出指引,向業界解釋新發牌制度的遵行情況,例如是否需要就不同類型的受規管活動申請牌照。

4II 其他事項4. 委員察悉,2002年10月的會議安排如下:日期時間2002年10月7日(星期一) 上午8時30分至10時30分2002年10月8日(星期二) 下午2時30分至4時30分2002年10月15日(星期二) 上午8時30分至10時30分(會後補註:2002年10月15日的會議其後取消,並改於2002年10月24日(星期四)下午2時30分至4時30分舉行。)5. 議事完畢,會議於下午4時30分結束。


000000 - 000120 主席致開會辭

000120 - 001605 主席吳靄儀議員政府當局證券及期貨事務監察委員會(下稱“證監會”)《證券及期貨(保險)規則》詢問有關證監會為持牌法團設立強制性保險計劃的詳情強制性保險計劃將適用於從事證券交易、期貨合約交易或提供證券保證金融資的持牌法團。該計劃將會取代現時香港聯合交易所(下稱“聯交所”)安排的經紀忠誠保險計劃,就指明風險所招致的損失為持牌人提供賠償保障。證監會會就該計劃作出安排,並會成立一個常設委員會,成員包括業界各有關行業的代表及保險顧問,以訂定該計劃的詳情,例如保險費的分攤事宜。證監會會就建議計劃進行招標。
001605 - 002121 吳靄儀議員政府當局證監會關注到業界是否接納強制性保險計劃,以及規則擬稿並無載列計劃的詳情強調有必要廣泛諮詢業界的意見證監會已諮詢市場人士,他們普遍支持該項建議計劃。2時間發言者主題需要採取行動

002121 - 003052 胡經昌議員吳靄儀議員主席政府當局證監會關注到保險費的釐定及在參加該計劃的持牌法團之間進行分攤的方法,以及實施該計劃的時間

003052 - 003608 胡經昌議員政府當局證監會詢問可否繼續推行經紀忠誠保險計劃由於現時的經紀忠誠保險計劃只適用於作為交易所參與者的持牌法團,因此該項建議並非切實可行。建議計劃將適用於非交易所參與者,並會有助盡量減低市場的系統風險。由於規管市場參與者的職責已轉交證監會,因此聯交所不適宜繼續營辦保險計劃。

003608 - 003856 吳靄儀議員胡經昌議員主席政府當局證監會關注到持牌法團在強制性保險計劃下所需繳付的保險費金額並不明確

003856 - 004520 主席吳靄儀議員政府當局證監會關注到強制性保險計劃會導致出現由某些保險公司壟斷市場的情況

004520 - 005250 李家祥議員解釋香港旅遊協會、香港會計師公會及香港律師會過往為其會員安排集體保險計劃的經驗

005250 - 005821 吳靄儀議員主席政府當局證監會由持牌法團自行安排投購保險的可能性3時間發言者主題需要採取行動

005821 - 010144 胡經昌議員主席政府當局證監會考慮委員提出的以下建議:
(a) 重新考慮規則擬稿,並進一步諮詢市場是否需要由證監會為持牌法團安排設立強制性保險計劃,以及這項安排是否切實可行;
及(b) 倘若設立強制性保險計劃,規則擬稿須訂明證監會所考慮的各項準則,以決定各持牌法團所需繳付的保險費的分攤方法政府當局

010144 - 010350 主席政府當局證監會《證券及期貨(費用)規則》就扣減牌照費用及就牌照費用給予折扣的建議作出澄清

010350 - 010930 胡經昌議員政府當局證監會關注到在兩年過渡期後,持牌人及獲豁免人士在新發牌制度下的財政負擔

010930 - 011850 胡經昌議員吳靄儀議員主席政府當局證監會澄清就受規管活動而言,“完全附帶”一語的定義。就進行“完全附帶”於從事證券交易/期貨合約交易的受規管活動的發牌規定提出關注。在《證券及期貨條例》中,該語句曾在各類受規管活動的定義內使用。證監會將就新發牌制度的遵行情況向業界發出指引,例如是否需要就不同類型的受規管活動申請牌照。政府當局

011850 - 013910 胡經昌議員吳靄儀議員主席政府當局證監會就註冊機構及持牌法團進行受規管活動所需繳付的訂明費用作一比較4時間發言者主題需要採取行動

013910 - 014815 胡經昌議員主席政府當局證監會澄清規則擬稿所使用的“負責人員”一詞,以及就超過一項受規管活動委任同一名負責人員可能出現利益衝突的情況證監會應考慮就此項目在其網頁擬備摘要說明,或在向業界發出的指引中作出解釋。

014815 - 015110 主席胡經昌議員吳靄儀議員政府當局證監會刪除附表4及5 政府當局

015110 - 015200 主席下次會議的日期備註:上述會議過程的錄音帶存放在立法會圖書館。

Other links by 高秉忠投資產品科證券及期貨事務監察委員會2003年1月:




雷曼苦主大聯盟促請立法會調查雷曼事件小組, 傳召證監會前非上市投資產品高級經理高秉忠, 以專家證人身份作供.大聯盟主席陳光譽表示, 高秉忠在證監會工作近二十年 , 曾參與非上市投資產品的規管工作 , 及起草證券及期貨條例, 今年八月離職, 上月曾去信調查小組, 提出希望作供, 從監管角度, 就雷曼事件的失誤及如何防止同樣錯誤 , 提供意見, 但小組至今仍未傳召他作供, 只是要求他提供更多資料.陳光譽對調查小組的做法感到失望, 認為小組應正式傳召高秉忠, 讓他在立法會特權法下 , 不受證券條例約束, 為雷曼事件作供.


Minibond celebrities tagged as `professional'

Minibond celebrities tagged as `professional'Celebrity investors of Lehman Brothers minibonds yesterday voiced their outrage that they may not see a cent in compensation as they are being classified as "professional investors."

Alfred Liu and Derek Yiu
Friday, July 24, 2009

Celebrity investors of Lehman Brothers minibonds yesterday voiced their outrage that they may not see a cent in compensation as they are being classified as "professional investors."
Actress Meg Lam Kin-ming is likely to be one of the unlucky ones.

She bought about HK$10 million worth of Lehman-related products, including minibonds. "You are a professional investor once you've invested HK$8 million? How to assess?" she asked. "They [the bank] asked me to buy this and that back then. Yes, I bought a lot. But am I a professional investor?"

A professional investor is assessed on whether or not an individual's portfolio is more or less than HK$8 million, including securities holdings, according to the Securities and Futures Ordinance.

Some 29,000 Hong Kong minibond investors will be refunded about 70 percent of their original investments by banks, financial regulators announced on Wednesday.

About 2,000 investors are not qualified under the repurchase scheme as they are either "professional" or "experienced," Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Ceajer Chan Ka-keung said yesterday.

Other big-name entertainers caught up in the investment nightmare include superstar Jacky Cheung Hok-yau, funny man Eric Tsang Chi- wai and former actress Maria Chung Wai-bing.

The media speculated that Cheung invested as much as HK$40 million in the high-risk product, while Tsang and Chung were estimated to have invested more than HK$10 million each.

Tsang said he invested in minibonds, but he could accept it even if he is not able to get his money back. He believes the most important thing is that the elderly can get their money refunded.

Banks will not compensate customers who have, in the three years preceding their first purchase of minibonds, executed five or more transactions in leveraged products, structured products, or a combination of these products, according to the Securities and Futures Commission.

Lawmaker Kam Nai-wai also said the arrangement was unfair as some purchases made by professional investors could involve misselling by banks.

Ceajer Chan said the arrangement was reached by banks and regulators, and investors should make inquiries to banks for details. "If investors who have not benefited from the program complain, the regulators will handle it," he said.


曾 俊 華 下 月 11 日 首 次 出 席 立 會 雷 曼 研 訊

從蔡 耀 君口中,可見2003 後,因國際金融危機。由政府指止之下,蔡 耀 君,任志剛經常和本地銀行董事舉行會議及控制,制造高危高利潤衍生產品,以提高香港金融中心地位及銀行嬴利- 如迷債有扺壓品種類。但沒有和外資銀行董事管理層會議,任由外資銀行以不同無扺壓品衍生產品在港銷售,這是香港政府管理外資銀行無能的責任

2009-11-10 HKT 13:35
立 法 會 調 查 雷 曼 小 組 主 席 何 鍾 泰 表 示 , 將 於 下 月 十 一 日 首 次 傳 召 財 政 司 司 長 曾 俊 華 出 席 研 訊 , 對 方 已 答 應 。 何 鍾 泰 表 示 , 曾 俊 華 是 本 港 金 融 監 管 最 高 負 責 人 , 屆 時 將 詢 問 他 連 串 問 題 。
另 外 , 小 組 於 下 星 期 二 第 六 次 傳 召 金 管 局 副 總 裁 蔡 耀 君 ; 本 月 二 十 四 日 亦 會 再 度 傳 召 證 監 會 行 政 總 裁 韋 奕 禮 。

蔡 耀 君 冀 明 年 3 月 底 前 完 成 所 有 投 訴 調 查

蔡 耀 君拒絕回答回購問題,以司法覆核為理由,但在回答經驗投資者類中,如苦主同一日買入五種不同衍生產品使己是經驗投資者,可見金管局管理銀行高層處理迷債回購中之無能及荒唐。

2009-11-10 HKT 11:13
在 立 法 會 雷 曼 迷 債 小 組 研 訊 上 , 有 議 員 質 疑 金 管 局 在 調 查 與 非 迷 債 產 品 投 訴 個 案 進 度 緩 慢 , 金 管 局 副 總 裁 蔡 耀 君 回 應 指 , 在 7 月 雷 曼 迷 債 回 購 方 案 推 出 前 , 金 管 局 每 月 平 均 完 成 130 宗 調 查 , 方 案 推 出 後 每 月 已 增 加 至 550 宗 , 他 期 望 , 未 來 每 月 可 完 成 1000 宗 以 上 的 調 查 。
蔡 耀 君 表 示 , 現 時 金 管 局 仍 有 4450 宗 個 案 在 調 查 中 , 預 料 明 年 3 月 底 前 可 望 完 成 所 有 調 查 。
至 於 會 否 就 相 關 調 查 推 出 另 一 輪 回 購 方 案 , 蔡 耀 君 回 應 說 曾 作 考 慮 , 但 會 否 有 新 方 案 要 待 調 查 結 果 完 成 , 再 綜 合 各 方 因 素 才 有 定 案 。




【on.cc專訊】 金管局副總裁蔡耀君,在立法會雷曼迷債專責小組作供時表示,他亦是從報道,得悉特首弟婦有購買雷曼非迷債產品,其後再詢問金管局職員,他們也不知道事件。對於有議員批評金管局干預銀行銷售金融產品,蔡耀君指當局與銀行有年度會議,分析銀行業務狀況。他強調銀行發展是商業決定,金管局不會介入。


Understanding capital terms

Understanding capital terms


People power on the cards for legal action

Class-action lawsuits, which have become common in some Western countries, will be easier to mount in Hong Kong if a mechanism proposed by the Law Reform Commission is accepted.

Patsy Moy Friday, November 06, 2009

Class-action lawsuits, which have become common in some Western countries, will be easier to mount in Hong Kong if a mechanism proposed by the Law Reform Commission is accepted.
The mechanism would allow "small people" of similar backgrounds to take collective action through one of them being the spearhead when seeking damages.

Not only would people have access to justice but businesses and corporations could be protected from further lawsuits by individuals if cases were combined, according to senior counsel Anthony Neoh, chairman of the commission's Class Actions Subcommittee.

In a 314-page document entitled "Class Actions" that was released yesterday for a three-month public consultation, the commission suggests the government considers injecting more funds into the Consumer Legal Action Fund or widens the scope of legal aid to cover group litigation.
"There are many cases which are very small in terms of damages and subject matter," Neoh said. "They may also involve small people who may not have the ability to litigate or, in fact, they do not want to spend the time and energy to litigate."

Food-poisoning cases and litigation in the Lehman minibond saga could fit a class-action suit.
"Bear in mind that it would not do any good to a listed company if it is uncertain when litigation against it would end," Neoh added. "But under the arrangement of class actions, companies would at least know the result instead of court cases coming back year after year."
The subcommittee suggests the class-action mechanism start with civil cases before it is expanded to judicial review.

The panel also favors an approach that would see people in similar situations automatically covered by group litigation unless they choose to opt out and pursue court cases individually. And overseas-based parties could opt in through an online procedure.
Litigation fund companies, which would pay legal costs then share in awards when actions are successful, could also be considered.

But Neoh admitted this was controversial as it could violate the principle that lawyers should not have such an interest in the results of court cases.

The proposals also include judges deciding if a group action should proceed, with five major considerations as a way to minimize the chance of abuse.

The basic requirement is to have enough people of similar backgrounds pursuing a case. The court then decides if one party in a class action can represent the interests of others. The parties should have a common interest and backgrounds, and their cases enough merit to be pursued.
Finally, judges would determine if group litigation is the best option.

The Chief Executive and his consciousness of Conflict of Interest -- Alliance Press Release

A press conference convened by the Alliance of Lehman Brothers Victims in Hong Kong
The Chief Executive and his consciousness of Conflict of Interest

The widespread miss-selling injuring tens of thousands of our senior citizens and vulnerable members of our community are exactly what the Securities and Futures Ordinance is designed to prevent. The legislative intent fails to materialise but the community is no wiser as to the causes of the problems and the course the wrongdoings took, despite more than one year after the miss-selling comes to light.

The apathy of the current Chief Executive of HKSAR towards the recurrent social tragedies, in health care, education, as well as in finance, is the root cause of the administration’s stumbling along in almost every aspect of government, seemingly at a loss of what it should do and what the community expect it to do.

Mr. Donald Tsang is no leader, and least of all political leader. This much is evident from his inability to appreciate what the convention expects of a statesman in his position. His sister-in-law is not a remote relative, and her loss in Lehman-related securities will not be seen as just another case - not by the community, nor by the officials, nor by the bank concerned. Just like justice should not only be done, but must be seen to have been done. Integrity of political leader in high place must strive to avoid not only actual conflict between his duties and his personal interests, but also the appearance of such conflict. Mr. Donald Tsang does not, or refuse to, understand this elementary principle, and this alone should have disqualified him from continuing to hold the public office arranged for him.


「披露為本」: 哪些重大風險是需要得到清晰,準確,無誤導的披露的?

「披露為本」是个好听的万金油和遮羞布。因为不需要定义和解释哪些風險是重大風險, 不需要定义和解释哪些重大風險是需要得到披露的,更无须定义和解释何谓清晰,準確,無誤導的风险披露。一切可以是读者之想像力.
1。 以迷你債卷為例,「披露為本」该披露哪些重大风险呢?
- 風險到底是跟7個著名公司挂鉤,還是跟132個各類評級公司挂鉤?- 迷債的錢是投入於實質資產還是沒有投入於任何實質資產而隻是賣保險等,如何清晰准確均衡無誤導地,真真實實地把真實特征和風險給客戶介紹,這才是問題的關鍵。不追究清楚何種“風險”为重大風險, 何種重大风险需要“披露”的話,「披露為本」又能披露多少真實相關風險呢?
第一:本產品不保本。第二:本產品是高風險。 可否會作出世界第一流的高水準的風險披露呢?至于具体有些什么风险呢,是那些具体因素可能会造成“高风险”或“失去本金”呢,就是读者“清者自清”,运用你自己的想像吧。
2。 迷債 之最大問題在於“”一大堆銷售文件“卻 無披露 重大風險,極盡欺騙和誤導之術,
迷債 “一大堆銷售文件”幾十頁紙,介紹了一大堆7个著名公司信貸掛鈎及相關信息,卻不提重大風險之一:合成CDO 的風險,
洋洋洒洒的几十页的文件,卻不肯清楚地告訴讀者:合成CDO 實為信貸掛鈎產品,而非傳統債券, 可能跟幾十或上百個公司的信貸掛鈎。既然抵押品和迷債 的實質均為信貸掛鈎,為甚麼跟100多家公司信貸掛鈎的抵押品之特徵和風險無須給客戶介紹, 跟7個公司信貸掛鈎的特徵和風險卻要用諸多篇幅去介紹? 這是清晰,準確,無誤導的風險披露嗎?
至今為止,沒有一個政府機構敢於以迷債為例,給出一個“披露為本”之風險披露簡要。甚至在講到“披露為本”的時候,連“清晰,準確,無誤導地披露風險”之 要求都不敢再次提起。

Derivatives sales tightened

Nov 2, 2009
Derivatives sales tightened

Hong Kong officials said on Monday they have tightened regulation of complicated investment products after thousands of local retail investors were burned by Lehman Brothers-backed derivatives last year. --

HONG KONG - HONG Kong officials said on Monday they have tightened regulation of complicated investment products after thousands of local retail investors were burned by Lehman Brothers-backed derivatives last year.

But lawmakers said the new measures fall short, and urged the government to prosecute banks that misled investors and to ban some risky products outright.

Under the new regulations, banks must issue risk warnings for complex products and record conversations between their sales staff and clients to prevent deception, K.C. Chan, Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, said at a legislative hearing on Monday. The government was also considering setting up an investor education body and a financial services ombudsman, he said.

The measures come after 30,000 Hong Kong small investors who bought US$1.8 billion (S$2.5 billion) in Lehman-linked derivatives were left in limbo after the US investment bank collapsed September last year. Upset they weren't fully aware of the risk their investments carried - many of the complex derivatives were innocuously labeled 'mini-bonds' - investors took to the streets.

Hong Kong regulators announced a settlement with 16 local banks in July that returned up to 70 per cent of principal to the buyers, or up to HK$6.3 billion.

Opposition lawmaker Ronny Tong criticised the government for not focusing on legal action. 'I think it's strange that there is not a single case of prosecution after investigating for more than a year,' he said.

Another lawmaker, Albert Ho, asked Chan why the government didn't consider banning certain risky products altogether, as do a number of other developed markets when it comes to selling to retail investors.

"Your approach is still disclosure-based. As long as you disclose the risks, if the disclosure is fair and comprehensive, you can sell anything. But shouldn't the government exercise discretion and ban certain products that are very complicated, very risky or whose terms are unfair to investors?" Ho said.

Chan argued disclosure-based regulation is the international norm, adding that the new measures require bank staff to explain their products in layman's terms and assess their clients' appetite for risk.

"When you want to sell complicated products to inexperienced investors, the process is very demanding. We want to make sure that complicated products are only sold to investors who truly understand them," Chan said.

Thousands of investors who bought other financial products not covered by the July settlement have complained they are being ignored. A Hong Kong Monetary Authority official said Monday regulators are about to take action on about 600 such cases.


Notes : Other news are also reporting that many of the ELN victims are under increasing mental stresses after meeting with some lawmakers and these lawmakers are warning that mental breakdown might occur for some victims and now are very upset on HK government very slow actions to solve the Lehman saga and are urging government to speed up the procecuting the banks that commit banks frauds.