
Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs nearing U.S. mortgage resolutions | 2015-02-24 | HousingWire

Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs nearing U.S. mortgage resolutions | 2015-02-24 | HousingWire

Morgan Stanley (MS) and Goldman Sachs Group (GS) are getting closer to resolving claims that the two firms misled investors in mortgage bonds during the financial crisis, an article The Wall Street Journal said.
Morgan Stanley is in talks with Justice Department officials to settle its investigation, with the costs likely to exceed $1 billion, people familiar with the matter said. On Monday, Goldman said it was informed by federal litigators in December that the firm might face a civil lawsuit stemming from the government’s mortgage-bond probe.
Settlement talks between Justice Department officials in Washington and Morgan Stanley remain at an early stage.
Source: WSJ


Prosecutors May Finally Go After Criminal Mega-Banks | Blog, What We're Reading | BillMoyers.com

Prosecutors May Finally Go After Criminal Mega-Banks | Blog, What We're Reading | BillMoyers.com


US expands China hiring probe to Morgan Stanley | Business Standard

US expands China hiring probe to Morgan Stanley | Business Standard

The US Justice Department is probing  for its practices in , according to a person familiar with the matter.

The move comes as US authorities expand their investigation into whether banks’ hiring of politically connected Chinese employees may have breached .

Wesley McDade, a spokesman for Morgan Stanley, declined to comment.

US authorities’ interest in the hiring practices of banks operating in China first came to light in August when media reports disclosed that the US Securities and Exchange Commission was looking at whether JPMorgan Chase & Co’s Hong Kong office hired the children of powerful heads of state-owned companies in China with the express purpose of winning underwriting business and other contracts.

JPMorgan has said it is cooperating with the probe.

The Justice Department is working closely with the SEC, which has launched a sweeping investigation that has widened from JPMorgan to look at whether a number of financial services companies have been violating bribery laws through their hiring, said the person and another individual familiar with the probe.

Apart from JPMorgan and Morgan Stanley, Reuters could not determine which other banks are under scrutiny.

The SEC has asked firms across the global financial services industry to provide information about their hiring of the relatives of government officials in China, said the two people, who were not authorised to speak publicly.

As part of that broader sweep, the SEC passed along information to the Justice Department about Morgan Stanley, one of the people said, while declining to provide details about what investigators uncovered.

Another source confirmed Morgan Stanley did receive a letter from the SEC asking for information about its China hiring practices. The source said the firm has not been contacted by the Justice Department, which may indicate that the DOJ’s criminal probe is at an early stage.

It is unclear if the Justice Department's interest in Morgan Stanley and other firms will lead to any action against them.

Authorities’ scrutiny of Morgan Stanley’s dealings in China comes after Justice Department officials repeatedly praised the bank's “rigorous compliance programme” to prevent corruption. In various speeches encouraging firms to better police for bribery, officials have pointed to Morgan Stanley's vigilance as the reason why the bank did not face charges after its former top real estate dealmaker in China pleaded guilty last year to conspiring to evade internal controls to enrich himself and a Chinese government official.

Morgan Stanley was early to spot China's economic promise, purchasing a stake in an investment bank there in 1995. It now has more than 20 dedicated China investment bankers, the most among foreign banks, and has worked on some of the largest IPOs there in recent years.

Sending chills
JPMorgan said in a regulatory filing earlier this month that it is cooperating with requests for information, including subpoenas, from the SEC and the Justice Department about its hiring practices in the Asia Pacific region.

One source said that probe began based on information provided by a JPMorgan insider.

The investigation has sent chills across global banks. It has become a common practice for investment banks to hire people with government connections, but this is especially prevalent in China due to the role the ruling Communist Party plays in the country's business.

The SEC and criminal prosecutors at the Justice Department are examining whether hiring practices violated the , a US law that bars bribes or special favours to foreign government officials in exchange for business.

At issue is whether the banks hired unqualified applicants as a favour to a government official who was in a position to award them business.

One person familiar with the SEC inquiry said it closely resembles in structure a previous investigation US authorities conducted into whether oil and gas companies paid bribes to circumvent import regulations in Africa and elsewhere.

Six companies including Royal Dutch Shell Plc, Transocean Inc. and Tidewater Inc and their shared freight forwarder Panalpina Inc paid a total of $236 million in 2010 to resolve related investigations.












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金管局已於2012年6月6日就立法會轄下研究雷曼兄弟相關迷你債券及結構性金融產品所引起的事宜小組委員會 (小組委員會) 的報告發出新聞稿聲明其立場。 











請證監會和金管局回應幾個問題, 並 要求重新檢討銀行在銷售雷曼相關債券時期所做的 產品與客戶風險評估事項

證監會行政總裁     歐達禮先生:
金管局署理副總裁   戴敏娜女士:

719日證監會和金管局與RBS(ABN)銀行,就雷曼ELN一事達成協議. RBS銀行因為風險評估和風險配對程序出現問題,要賠償100%本金予合資格投資者這一姍姍來遲的協議,也帶給雷曼苦主社羣一絲欣慰盡管雷曼尚未解決,堅信正義終必伸張.

A.      借此契機,我們就雷曼債券事件,風險評估和風險配對事項,請問證監會和金管局以下幾個問題,敬請回應:

1          立法會研究雷曼兄弟相關迷你債券及結構性金融產品所引起的事宜小組委員會,20126月發表報告書(以下稱:該報告書)一年多了證監會和金管局作為被該報告書所提及的兩個需要負上最重大責任的政府部門,至今仍裝聾作啞,當佢冇到這在政府部門回應立法會及各種社會聲音的歷史中,實屬罕見請問證監會歐達禮先生和金管局戴敏娜女士證監會和金管局對該報告書內容和意見,持何態度是否打算置之不理?!

2          該報告書(x): "小組委員會認為證監會在行使該項權力時,不應同意採納任何為摒除某些人士於和解建議之外而武斷地定立的非法定門檻."請問證監會歐達禮先生在迷債和解建議中,"經驗投資者"摒除在外;在星債和解建議中,將第45級風險客戶摒除在外.是否武斷做法證監會會否接受該報告書意見,重新與相關銀行再作檢討.

3          該報告書(90): "小組委員會認為,雷曼信貸相關債券並不保本,且與相關資產掛勾,不應被評為低、中風險的產品." 然而,直至20126,有苦主向金管局調查員指出該報告書以上內容時,該調查員依然堅持將星展銀行評Constellation債券為低、中風險的第2級產品,作為評估風險配對標準,: "我只係睇果個產品係2(:Constellation債券係2級風險),你係3(:指投訴者當時被評為3級風險客戶),就沒問題了....我只係睇佢有冇錯配."(以上為逐字記錄). 請問金管局戴敏娜女士這是金管局的既定立場嗎現在需要檢討修正嗎其實,某投資產品風險屬性高或低,對於監管金融和投資的金管局精英專家們,淺顯如小學生的加減算術題,答案早已了然於胸金管局某些人之所以昧著良心說瞎話,是屈服於私利或權貴,但卻因佔用公器,已然傷害了社會公義和其他人一旦日後有了權威性的法庭裁決,認為Constellation債券被評為低、中風險是錯誤的金管局這些人的專業失德和行政失當罪行定當暴露無疑除了要負上失職之罪,羞恥二字也將成為他們一輩子的名字. (請留意,2010年已有法官判詞,表示同意當時上法庭作供的三位專家證人的意見,認為Constellation債券是高風險產品. — DCCC 526 / 2010)

B.      銀行對客戶風險的評估存在嚴重問題,應該全面重新檢討.

1          現在所知,銀行為客戶填報的客戶風險評估問卷,是用來衡量產品與客戶風險匹配與否的至關重要性文件然而,在填報當時,過程卻相當粗疏簡陋.絕大多數是由銀行職員代筆匆忙簡單沒有重要性警告,沒有指引,沒有說明許多銀行職員有目的地引導客戶選擇高風險答案,甚至謊稱,問卷只是銀行一般性客戶資料調查,無關緊要,從而完全不問或只問小部份題目問卷中一些投資心理類題目或詞不達意,或圖像混淆,極易誤解,佔份比重卻奇高所以,客戶"擇選"的問卷答案普遍不真實,不準確評出來的客戶風險級別不可靠.

2          絕大多數銀行的客戶風險評估問卷,沒有附上答案分數投資者不知道所選擇的答案的分數的高低,及佔整體比重的大小,無法衡量所選擇的該答案是否恰當簽名時也沒有被告知整篇問卷所得總分,及劃分風險級別的界限,無從判斷被評定的風險級別是否正確,或是否要對某些選項作些調整當時客戶心中無數,是稀里糊塗的在問卷上簽名,不意味他們充分理解和認可該問卷對他們的評估結論如今,單憑簽名,客戶便需負全責對客戶絕對不公平.

3          據本大聯盟統計資料,2006,70%以上的銀行現有投資客戶的風險評級突然被評高12當時的投資大環境並沒有特殊的大變動,大量投資者不約而同,集體地提升了各自的投資風險興趣和承受風險能力,不可思議也不是客觀事實那是銀行有目的的利用風險評級制造出來的奇跡本港之所以超多雷曼苦主,就是這樣制造出來的這是香港銀行系統性的不道德行為.

4          客戶風險評估問卷的問題設計不嚴謹,不科學,或重覆,或前後矛盾,輕重不分,本末倒置.... 答案的給分也不合理這些情況,相信證監會和金管局的專家們,心裡面比誰都清楚. (大聯盟另會有具體實例附上). 這樣得出來的客戶風險評級結論不公正.

C.      請問證監會歐達禮先生和金管局戴敏娜女士摩根史丹尼發行精明債券的違規問題以及其他還沒有集體和解協議的銀行的違規行為,是否還在調查中?

D.     金管局李令翔先生,2011/2012年間多次接見雷曼苦主代表,曾重覆承諾對幫唔到和解的苦主,將會把個案轉介給消委會訴訟基金並且會向訴訟基金的律師們提供金管局所有相關調查資料,包括一些不便向苦主透露的個案調查資料和已掌握到證據的銀行系統性犯錯資料以助基金會通過法律途徑,為苦主討回公道請問金管局戴敏娜女士金管局這樣做了嗎或者那只是金管局急於卸膊的偽善之詞為何消委會訴訟基金2011年後,與雷曼相關債券訴訟的新申請個案,至今被接納者僅一例?! 這可是政府對雷曼苦主仍開放(?)的最後一道門也是政府可以為監管部門的嚴重失職而贖罪的最後機會.

電話: 90370044
通訊地址: 63, Cadogan Street, Rm.718, 7/Floor, Sincere Western Mansion, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong

此件抄送:  申訴專員 黎年先生
           消委會訴訟基金 陳主席
           財經事務局長 陳家强先生
           立法會主席 曾珏成先生



Trial of Goldman Sachs trader opens in New York

NEW YORK (AP) — A government lawyer says a former Goldman Sachs trader who referred to himself as "Fabulous Fab" deceived investors about mortgage-based securities in a classic case of "Wall Street greed."
Securities and Exchange Commission lawyer Matthew Martins gave opening arguments Monday at the Manhattan trial of Fabrice Tourre (fah-BREES' toor) .
Tourre's lawyers say he's done nothing wrong.
The SEC says Tourre failed to divulge that a billionaire-led company helped pick assets that would decide the value of the investment. At the same time, the company was betting against them.
Goldman Sachs settled charges brought against it, paying $550 million.
Tourre grew up in France and moved to the U.S. in 2000 to study at Stanford University in California.


郭中行 資深評論員




U.S. Fears Edward Snowden May Defect to China: Sources - ABC News

U.S. Fears Edward Snowden May Defect to China: Sources - ABC News

Protesters Worldwide Rally to Support Whistleblower Edward Snowden | Common Dreams

Protesters Worldwide Rally to Support Whistleblower Edward Snowden | Common Dreams

Protesters Worldwide Rally to Support Whistleblower Edward Snowden

Immediately following the announcement that the source behind The Guardian’s NSA spying(Photo: Xopherlance /Flickr)revelations is Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old NSA contractor, protesters around the world rallied to show support for the whistleblower.
In New York, a group of activists gathered in Union Square amid downpours. Organizer Andy Stepanian called Snowden’s cause “a marginalized story:”
It’s saturating the media right now, but history has shown that when these whistleblowers come forward—whether it be Daniel Ellsberg or it be Bradley Manning—within a short period of time, there are attempts to malign the individual or co-opt the narrative or try to demonize that individual for what they did. We should at least be asking questions right now that Edward Snowden put aside a $200,000/year career, a house in Hawaii and left his loved to go on the lam to show people the truth, which was that our government was spying on us without warrants under the auspices of the war on terror. And in doing so they violated our Fourth Amendment rights.
In Hong Kong, up to 1,000 Snowden supporters are expected to stage a protest to call on the government to protect him.
The AFP reports that the group, including lawmakers, will march first to the US consulate and then government headquarters to urge the administration of the semiautonomous territory to not extradite Snowden.
“We should protect him. We are calling on the HK government to defend freedom of speech,” Tom Grundy, a rally spokesman, said Wednesday.
“We don’t know what law he may or may not have broken but if Beijing has a final say, they don’t have to extradite him if he is a political dissident,” he told AFP.
When asked why he chose Hong Kong as a refuge, Snowden cited the city’s “strong tradition of free speech.”
On Wednesday, Snowden told the South China Morning Post: “People who think I made a mistake in picking HK as a location misunderstand my intentions. I am not here to hide from justice; I am here to reveal criminality.”
Several lawmakers have agreed to take part in a discussion forum following the protest, including prominent pro-democracy politician Albert Ho, according to Grundy.
The online community has also rallied behind Snowden, organizing a White House petition demanding a presidential pardon that has already attracted more than 61,000 signatures, while a separate campaign was launched to help pay for Snowden’s expenses.
Facebook employee Dwight Crow donated $1,000 of his own money to help Snowden with legal fees, hotel bills or flight costs. Facebook is one of the companies that has denied links to the NSA’s Prism program.
Crow wrote: “I’d imagine Snowden’s fate is going to be determined by forces larger than legal bills, but have heard he’s stuck in HK with frozen accounts. Figured a little cash might help significantly.”
Obsession over Snowden’s personal life highlights a major flaw of the establishment media: the tendency to fixate on minute details while completely missing the big picture, namely the US government’s vast spying program.
While the media speculates about Snowden’s motives and allegiances and salary and pontificates about his dancer girlfriend and if she’s feeling lonely, Snowden’s supporters seem to grasp that this story is about something bigger.
“Anyone who uses the internet and expects some privacy should be concerned about what was said in [Snowden’s] interview, so I imagine we will get a good turnout,” said Grundy.


Think the big banks should be broken up? You're in good company.

HCA 495/2011 Morgan Stanley Octave Notes sold by Bank of China HK

Watchdog to arm investors

The Securities and Futures Commission proposed to raise the bar for professional investors, who now will have to undergo a suitability test before making investments.
The watchdog is seeking to revamp the code of conduct for brokerages and wealth management firms during a three-month public consultation period starting yesterday.
Its move was sparked off by the 2008 Lehmanminibond saga.
The SFC recommends that intermediaries, when offering investment products to individual professional investors, conduct the so- called suitability test. This includes conducting product due diligence to ensure the products they are recommending match the clients' current conditions.
Intermediaries would have to meet such requirements when selling any financial product to professional investors.
They can, however, still take part in private placements.
The watchdog will require the suitability requirements be detailed in contracts signed between professional investors and financial institutions. The contracts will also have to list actual services provided by intermediaries to the client.
Stephen Po Wai-kwong, senior director for intermediaries supervision at the SFC, said the amendments would not raise compliance cost for financial institutions as most of the procedures are already being implemented.
It will ``give investors better protection, as they would be in better positions to claim upon misconduct because the responsibilities of the intermediaries will be written in black and white,'' Po said yesterday.
Individuals, together with their investment vehicles and family trusts, are considered professional investors if their total portfolio is worth HK$8 million or more.