
Lehman Brothers, the investment bank that sparked the global financial crisis, has been ordered to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation to Australian councils, charities and churches.

Transcript EMMA ALBERICI, PRESENTER: The Federal Court has ruled that the Australian arm of the infamous Wall Street institution Lehman Brothers misled Australian councils, charities and churches into making high risk investments which resulted in heavy losses during the global financial crisis. Lehman Brothers Australia, formerly known as Grange Securities, has been ordered to compensate 72 councils and charities led by the Wingecarribee and Parkes shires in New South Wales and city of Swan in Western Australia. The amount of compensation, expected to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars, will be finalised later this year. Today's ruling has implications for investors and regulatory authorities all around the world. Karl Hoerr reports. KARL HOERR, REPORTER: More than a year after the hearing, the wait for a decision was over. STEVEN RARES, JUSTICE, FEDERAL COURT: Grange was conscious that the trust its uninformed council clients placed in it was being used to Grange's advantage. For these reasons Grange is liable to compensate the councils for the losses incurred as a result of the investments. KARL HOERR: Two New South Wales councils and one in Western Australia took on Lehman Brothers in a class action involving dozens of other councils and non-profit organisations. They invested millions of dollars in complex financial products called "collateralised debt obligations". The money was intended for future use on facilities and services. But when the collapse of Lehman Brothers triggered the global financial crisis in 2008, the value of the investments plummeted. Those involved in the class action say they lost $250 million. Lehman Brothers Australia was accused of misleading conduct, breaching contracts and its duty to act in the interests of clients, as well as negligence. Justice Steven Rares agreed. STEVEN RARES: Grange engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct in breach of section 12DA of the ASIC Act when it promoted the SCDOs to the councils as suitable investments. AMANDA BANTON, LAWYER: Our clients were comprehensive in winning each of the claims and there was a finding that our clients were entailed to damages in respect of those claims, and that there would be no reduction in the amount of damages claimed for contributory negligence. KARL HOERR: The hearing was told the investments were much riskier than their AAA rating suggested, but those who bought in were kept in the dark. PANEL MEMBER: An investment bank that actually sought to target not-for-profit organisations and make profit from selling derivatives to them in circumstances where they certainly should not have sold those products to these targets. KARL HOERR: Wingecarribee's financial services manager Douglas Neville told the court he was shocked to learn the investments were linked to subprime and corporate debt. He said he told Lehman Brothers then-subsidiary Grange Securities the council was only interested in conservative products and definitely not CDOs. Mr Neville learned one of the investments wouldn't mature until 2047. The councils are now looking forward to getting some of their money back. COLIN CAMERON, CITY OF SWAN: The possible loss is around $8 million, so that's equivalent to some large playing fields and pavilions that are sorely needed in our growth areas, where ... one of our suburbs has probably got the most babies born in it in Australia KARL HOERR: The implications of the judgment will extend beyond Australia's shores because the products were sold globally. The case returns to court in November to sort through the details of the settlement.

涉瞒毒资产 花旗46亿求和(香港经济日报)

【本报讯】美国金融海啸爆发后,多家华尔街大行诉讼缠身。花旗集团(Citigroup)亦在忙于摆平这些官非,最近便就投资者指控隐瞒「有毒」债务抵押证券(CDO)一事,同意支付5.9亿美元(约46亿港元)和解。 否认投资者指控   花旗虽愿意和解,却否认投资者的指控,强调此次决定是为集团大局想,纯粹是要扫除官司缠身造成的不明朗情况。至于有关的和解费,可由现有的法律储备金支付。   纽约地方法院初步批准和解,明年1月再开庭决定是否批准此次和解。按照和解协议,在2007年2月26日至2008年4月18日买入花旗集团普通股的投资者,可获付和解费。   花旗投资者要循法律途径兴师问罪,是因为不满花旗高层在2007年间少报集团持有的CDO数量。其后,这些CDO因金融海啸而大幅减值,花旗股价也相继下滑,导致花旗股东蒙受沉重损失。   据有关指控,花旗共包销了700亿美元CDO,投资者原以为花旗已售出所有CDO,但其后发觉花旗仍持有约570亿美元CDO。花旗昨晚午市报29.5美元,跌1.4%。 **************************** 【本報訊】美國金融海嘯爆發後,多家華爾街大行訴訟纏身。花旗集團(Citigroup)亦在忙於擺平這些官非,最近便就投資者指控隱瞞「有毒」債務抵押證券(CDO)一事,同意支付5.9億美元(約46億港元)和解。 否認投資者指控   花旗雖願意和解,卻否認投資者的指控,強調此次決定是為集團大局想,純粹是要掃除官司纏身造成的不明朗情況。至於有關的和解費,可由現有的法律儲備金支付。   紐約地方法院初步批准和解,明年1月再開庭決定是否批准此次和解。按照和解協議,在2007年2月26日至2008年4月18日買入花旗集團普通股的投資者,可獲付和解費。   花旗投資者要循法律途徑興師問罪,是因為不滿花旗高層在2007年間少報集團持有的CDO數量。其後,這些CDO因金融海嘯而大幅減值,花旗股價也相繼下滑,導致花旗股東蒙受沉重損失。   據有關指控,花旗共包銷了700億美元CDO,投資者原以為花旗已售出所有CDO,但其後發覺花旗仍持有約570億美元CDO。花旗昨晚午市報29.5美元,跌1.4%。


金融管理局有新一輪人事調動,法規部執行總監李令翔,將擢升為按揭證券公司行政總裁(CEO),接替退任的劉怡翔,明年1月1日生效。現年52歲的李令翔坦言最愛接受新挑戰,享受度蹺、分析及解決難題。 曾任金融科 一做7年破紀錄   李令翔於1982年加入政府,第一份工是政務主任(AO),每年調派不同部門,包括醫務生署及西貢民政事務署,第5年被調到金融科,一做便7年,「以junior(初級)而言,一個AO在同一個部門留7年,是破紀錄的事。」李令翔接受訪問時說。   有得留低的原因,也講天時、人和。當時正值本地銀行危機,金融科接管3間銀行,及後再出售,李令翔都有份參與。當年金融司林定國(David Nendick)亦多番挽留李,「他十分賞識我,很多事情交給我處理。」93年金管局成立,李令翔亦放棄AO體系,轉投金管局。 存保制歷14載 得意亦棘手   李令翔算得上是香港的「存保之父」,早於1991年仍在金融科時,他已負責存款保障的諮詢,「存保制」是他最得意又最棘手的項目,「由92年諮詢至2006年正式推出,經過14年,由頭到尾由我處理、設計。」   09年雷曼爆煲,金管局投獲2萬宗投訴,李令翔反而覺得難度比存保制低,「最初半年都無法想像如何『收科』,但(投訴)性質其實很單一。」他憶述,雷曼「苦主」到金管局示威可能達200次。初期金管局成為眾矢之的,李令翔與各方周旋,受氣是必然的事,「是被好多人鬧,但做官都預了這些。」 雷曼善後 由被鬧到贏掌聲   到後期他走落電梯大堂,會出現「苦主」鼓掌的奇景,「我從無說一定有得賠,只說會公平、公正並好努力處理。」金管局與證監會火速處理雷曼投訴(詳見另文),餘下幾十宗個案仍在進行,主要是今年新加的投訴,或投訴人不願和解。有苦主向申訴專員投訴金管局,「我很高興至今(金管局)保持到清白之身,無一宗成立。」   與李令翔同期的AO,還有三位常任秘書長,包括財經事務及庫務局區璟智、商務及經濟發展黃灝玄及民政事務局楊立門,都是官場的明日之星。李令翔慶幸自己當年決定加入金管局,「如果仍留在政府,絕對無機會10多年由頭到尾只做一個項目,然後看到自己成果……這裏有機會不斷工作,好satisfying(滿足)。」