HK Lehman Minibonds , Morgan Stanley Octave Notes, and related products misselling fraud of BOCHK, Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd. Reports of bank frauds were hidden to public. HK Legco in their report put Joseph Yam of HKMA responsible for not supervising the banking system of HK , and disapprove Prof. Chan, John Tsang and Martin Wheatley for their handling of Lehman saga.
頭條日報 頭條網 - 高官避嫌 懸疑未解
Revealed: who paid what in race for chief - The Standard
立會雷曼報告批任志剛 - 東方日報
遏金融海嘯不力 冰島前總理罪成 - 東方日報
殺一儆百懲保薦 提升監管唱慢板 - 太陽報
When Hong Kong’s first chief executive, Tung Chee-hwa, took office in 1997, he brought with him a public support rating of 65 points out of 100. His successor, Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, started off even more popular, with a support rating of over 70 points. Leung Chun-ying, who takes over in just over 10 weeks, has a support rating of just over 50 points. He also has a negative approval rate; barely a third of the people polled approve of him, while a bit over half disapprove. Is this a challenge, or an opportunity? The last two leaders failed to live up to the public’s high hopes, and their ratings went downhill during their time in office. As Leung prepares to take charge with such low public expectations, could it be that his ratings have nowhere to go but up? I believe people will judge him by his actions. A warm and charismatic personality is nice, but any politician who demonstrates that he can make life better for ordinary people will see his ratings go up, once people are convinced. Leung and his advisers need to question accepted wisdom and think out of the box. If people perceive a real shift in government policy away from what seems like a bias in favour of the talked-about tycoons, they will be impressed. (One way is to follow US examples by introduction of progressive tax and anti-trust law instead of competition laws that work against small business) One problem Leung faces is that he needs to assure business interests (evil bankers and developers ) that he is not a danger to them (by being a socialist to cut housing price and punish the bankers that controlled SFC). That is why he has been playing down the prospects of serious change – which in turn is probably one reason why many parts of the community doubt he will make a difference. I am more confident. Cynics may assume that the population must bow to the wishes of a privileged minority (1% of the rich ), but I think that is changing. I think the new administration will have Beijing’s approval to shift the current, unequal balance of economic advantages. I also believe that the tycoons and others are realistic enough to accept and adapt to that (as professionals and middle class in HK are fighting back). What sort of things should the new administration question? It is impossible to get away from the issue of land as a source of so many of our problems. The last administration showed great reluctance to free up land supply, even as queues for public housing lengthened, the sandwich class was priced out of the market and rents rose for businesses, especially smaller ones. It also showed no willingness to intervene as low real interest rates and high demand from mainland buyers pushed housing prices up. Its attitude was that there was nothing much the government could do except wait. Leung shows a refreshing ability to think differently on this subject. He and his advisers seem to realise that Hong Kong does not have a shortage of land; the problem is how we use (or don’t use) it. And they must know that there is a serious mismatch between what property developers put on the market and what local people want and can afford. If they can fix that, the public opinion ratings will follow. Another area where the incoming leadership can demonstrate an ability to think out of the box is the subject of government expenditure. In a speech around a year ago, Legislative Council president Tsang Yok-sing asked some blunt questions. Why does government throw billions around on one-off handouts every year? Why do we spend so much less than other developed economies on education and health (should follow Canada examples to turn out more doctors with lower grades students while reserve the higher grades students to technology research)? What is so special about the level – 20 per cent (should be increased to 22-25%) of gross domestic product – that officials see as the ceiling for public spending? Fiscal prudence is a wonderful thing, and most Hong Kong people themselves reject welfare “socialism” and waste. The old government created amazing budget surpluses and huge reserves, but – as with land – it missed the chance to put them to good use. Now Leung has the opportunity. Indeed, many would say he has an obligation, because these things really cannot wait any longer. If he now lets the people benefit – sensibly – from their own city’s resources, he will be the first chief executive to leave with higher ratings than he began with. SCMP Article Bernard Chan
部分挺唐選委撐場 - Yahoo! 新聞香港
The head office of Lehman Brothers sending out the first round of money to all ELN holders by wire transfer or by cheque yesterday (17 April) as promised in their liquidation plan earlietr this year. This is related to the claims all filed back 2 years ago.
This is NOT money paid by the HK banks. this is the money made available as LBHI sells their asset and gives the money back to all creditors , the ELN holders. These holders are all over the world.
LB Treasury, where ELN victims bought the ELNs, should also receive money from LBHI and they will in turn give the money back to the victims. The claim filing process with LBT treasury (the one in Holland) has not started but they said it will start 2nd part of this year.
為什麼看不到冰島新聞?因為他們: - 辭退整個政府 - 把銀行國有化 - 公投,讓國民決定經濟債務方案(結果93%反對還款給英國及荷蘭,因為他們的借貸充滿問題及漏洞) ⋯⋯ ... - 拘捕主要的銀行家及總裁,要他們為經濟崩塌付上責任 - 人民重寫憲法 - 抗爭都是和平進行,並且達成目標。 為什麼媒體不報導?如果其他國家的人民都以此為參考發起行動,這是當權者及銀行家的末日吧。 恢復調查求證、求救、待救不如自救,當時雷曼亦是滙豐單一最大股東,證監及金融管理局等,與任志剛、纪勤、王冬勝、鄭海泉、李國寶、王守業等早已證實是順藤摸瓜,上下其手,互相包庇,多年來以機制及行政手段來延誤,更已證實是蛇鼠一窩 No news from Iceland… why? How come we hear everything that happens in Egypt but no news about what’s happening in Iceland: … In Iceland, the people has made the government resign, the primary banks have been nationalized, it was decided to not pay the debt that these created with Great Britain and Holland due to their bad financial politics and a public assembly has been created to rewrite the constitution. And all of this in a peaceful way. A whole revolution against the powers that have created the current crisis. This is why there hasn’t been any publicity during the last two years: What would happen if the rest of the EU citizens took this as an example? What would happen if the US citizens took this as an example. This is a summary of the facts: 2008. The main bank of the country is nationalized. The Krona, the currency of Iceland devaluates and the stock market stops. The country is in bankruptcy 2008. The citizens protest in front of parliament and manage to get new elections that make the resignation of the prime minister and his whole government. The country is in bad economic situation. A law proposes paying back the debt to Great Britain and Holland through the payment of 3,500 million euros, which will be paid by the people of Iceland monthly during the next 15 years, with a 5.5% interest. 2010. The people go out in the streets and demand a referendum. In January 2010 the president denies the approval and announces a popular meeting. In March the referendum and the denial of payment is voted in by 93%. Meanwhile the government has initiated an investigation to bring to justice those responsible for the crisis, and many high level executives and bankers are arrested. The Interpol dictates an order that make all the implicated parties leave the country. In this crisis an assembly is elected to rewrite a new Constitution which can include the lessons learned from this, and which will substitute the current one (a copy of the Danish Constitution). 25 citizens are chosen, with no political affiliation, out of the 522 candidates. For candidacy all that was needed was to be an adult and have the support of 30 people. The constitutional assembly starts in February of 2011 to present the ‘carta magna’ from the recommendations given by the different assemblies happening throughout the country. It must be approved by the current Parliament and by the one constituted through the next legislative elections. So in summary of the Icelandic revolution: -resignation of the whole government -nationalization of the bank. -referendum so that the people can decide over the economic decisions. -incarcerating the responsible parties -rewriting of the constitution by its people Have we been informed of this through the media? Has any political program in radio or TV commented on this? No! The Icelandic people have been able to show that there is a way to beat the system and has given a democracy lesson to the world
我們是一群退休人士、家庭主婦及老年人,因為購買了由摩根士丹利經銀行出售的高風險結構產品---精明債券,導致本金盡失苦主們惶惶不可終日,遊行、請願三年多,事情仍未解決,大部分精明債券的苦主仍未得到賠償,現任政府官員及証監會對我們這班苦主置之不理,令我們生活痛苦萬分。 梁先生,當我們知道你當選為下屆特首,我們這班苦主都非常欣慰,因為這是我們唯一的希望,你可以幫助我們這班苦主,取回合理的賠償及債券的本金。 梁先生,在這裏我們寫下一些有關精明債券的重點,望梁先生察閱: (1)精明債券在銀行售賣的單張是寫明若果有任何一間機構出現違約,則購買者會損失部分本金,但現在卻是全部失去本金。 (2)精明債券在單張上列明有八間主要機構,但郤沒有列明其實還有要負起120間以上的其他公司違約的風險。 (3)精明債券是由摩根士丹利製造的高風險產品,但郤將賠償責任全部推卸到各售賣銀行的身上。 (4) 香港証監會在審查及要求16間銀行賠償給雷曼迷你債券的苦主後,便停止 其他審查,因此摩根士丹利及精明債券的銷售銀行能避過審查,無需賠償, 對精明債券的苦主極不公平。 (5) 在雷曼銀行破產後,香港分別有雷曼產品,包括迷你債券、 星債、渣打ELN、花旗ELN已有全面賠償,惟獨是精明債券郤沒有全面集體賠償,我們同是由於証監會的疏忽大意,沒有嚴謹把關,將極度複習,風險極高的金融產品,刻意地被國際投資銀行大鱷,包裝成低風險,適合一般為求安全,安份收定期派息,就像買了國家級及大公司的債劵一樣安全,批准在零售銀行出售。我們成為了証監,金管局的疏忽及投行大鱷的犧生品。 (6)到目前為止,還有60%的精明債券苦主全無賠償,只有40%的苦主得到銀二 成半至四成的賠償。這種片面及個別賠償的情況,是有別於其他雷曼產品---迷你債券、 星債、渣打ELN、花旗ELN等的集體賠償,為何只有精明債劵不作如以上產品的系統性調查,因而有望集體賠償。其實精明債劵的結構及銷售與迷你債劵及星展銀行的星債是完全一樣,只是規模較小,難道監管當局是怕大騙小。現時金管局的處理方法是以所謂 “加強版” 處理餘下的雷曼個案,此方法是以個別案件處理,而一旦苦主與銀行和解 ,金管局立即停止該案的調查,縱使銀行巳被金管局查出違規。這樣銀行逃避了被罰,對那批沒有賠償的苦主不公平,他們是銀行用同一手法被騙,只可惜沒有掌握實際証據,如果証監循系統性調查,所有苦主得到相同的賠償,這才是全面的解決。 親愛的梁先生,我們是一群無助的苦主,是獅子山下的一群小市民,憑著數 十年的辛勞而積蓄的退休金錢,已經失去。望梁先生體察我們的處境,上任後要 求証監會恢復調查,摩根士丹利及各精明債券銷售銀行,為我們爭取全面和合理賠償。梁先生,於此謝謝您的幫助,我們定當感恩不已。 為香港的繁榮、未來努力 精明債券苦主聯盟 謹上 2012
Regulators Penalize JPMorgan Over Lehman Ties - NYTimes.com
China's premier calls for breaking bank monopolies » Ventura County Star