
The Role of the World Bank

【on.cc專訊】 國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)總幹事卡恩周五表示,IMF希望擁有新的權力監督全球金融體系。


Helping Countries Combat Corruption: The Role of the World Bank

The International Finance Corporation's approach to combating fraud and corruption in project finance
As the world's largest source of financing for private sector projects in developing countries, International Finance Corporation (IFC) is deeply concerned about the potential for corruption in the projects it finances. In congruence with the World Bank's perspective, the IFC must act to fight corruption in order to retain the confidence of its shareholders and the financial markets on which it relies. Moreover, the avoidance of corruption is necessary to ensure that the IFC's investments are successful, that its resources are being used effectively, and that its developmental objectives are met.

The IFC's strategy to combat corruption in its operations is concentrated in the following two areas identified in the Bank's strategy:

Control of fraud and corruption in projects.
Institutional strengthening.
The IFC's efforts to combat corruption in the private sector will complement those of the Bank in the public sector to the extent that the IFC's activities focus in the private sector.

Control of fraud and corruption in projects. The IFC controls fraud and corruption in the projects in which it invests by employing appropriate methods and procedures at every stage of the investment process.

The IFC's investment staff conduct a due diligence review of the individuals involved and their primary businesses. On-site visits are made to both project and nonproject installations to obtain a first-hand impression of the sponsor/operator and its affiliated companies. The IFC generally will not invest in a project if it does not know the identity of its partners, or if it believes that a sponsor/operator may be controlled by an undisclosed third party, or if the project may be sponsored, directly or indirectly, by individuals holding public office.

Before making an investment, IFC staff perform an investment appraisal in which the IFC must be persuaded that the interests of the sponsor/operator in undertaking the project are compatible with those of other investors. The appraisal must establish to the IFC's satisfaction that the contractual undertakings made to structure the project (such as supply, distribution, and off-take agreements) do not unfairly benefit some of the parties to the transaction at the expense of others. Each party's share of the investment's rewards must be known by the IFC and judged to be commensurate with the risks taken and the contributions made by the party. This analysis is a necessary step to uncovering potential conflicts of interest, as a project typically brings together both strategic and passive investors with different agendas and motivations.

The IFC's first line of defense against corrupt costing is its extensive experience and familiarity with industry best practices, technologies, and capital costs in a broad range of industrial sectors. The IFC's project team of investment officers, engineers, and lawyers—which sometimes includes outside specialist consultants—will be familiar with best practices, time to completion, and current world prices of capital goods in the major industries. Thus the team can identify significant price anomalies and distortions that may mask corrupt practices. The IFC will not finance a project if material deviations from fair pricing cannot be explained by specific, acceptable circumstances.

The IFC will not invest in a project if a lack of transparency in the awarding of a concession or a contract makes it impossible to determine that business is being conducted on an arm's-length basis between a government and a project company. At an early stage in the process of evaluating a proposed project—the initial project summary—IFC management reviews the structure of the project and examines the relationships between the parties. If a project is found wanting in any of these areas, management directs staff to agree on improvements with the various parties to the transaction.

After making its investments, the IFC supervises them closely and on a regular basis. The IFC consults periodically with the management of investee companies, sends field missions to visit the enterprises, and requires quarterly progress reports during project implementation. In some projects a full-time, on-site lender's representative may be required during the project's construction phase. The IFC requires, in its capacity as lender, that investee companies provide it with quarterly and annual financial statements (the latter are audited) and insurance reports and give it direct access to the company's external auditors for the purpose of reviewing the company's accounts, operations, and the management letter.

The IFC's direct presence and relationships in developing countries also aid in supervision by alerting it to problems that may indicate the occurrence of a corrupt practice in an IFC-financed project. Staff of the IFC's resident and regional missions assist in this process by maintaining direct contacts with various government agencies, NGOs, and other parties in local financial business communities. Outside counsel employed by the IFC to help prepare legal documentation and negotiating terms and conditions for an IFC investment also may transmit information to the IFC that they are uniquely positioned to obtain because of their contacts in local legal and business communities.

Institutional Strengthening. The strengthening of institutions in developing countries sometimes occurs as a secondary effect of the IFC's efforts to control fraud and corruption in projects. However, the IFC also engages in activities whose primary purpose is to build and strengthen institutions—and these activities help combat corruption. In this regard the IFC advises its member governments on how to create new institutions and strengthen existing institutions so that disclosure and transparency in the conduct of financial transactions will be improved and administrative discretion conducive to corruption will be eliminated. The IFC's Capital Markets Department plays an important role in this area—for example, providing advisory services for the establishment of stock exchanges and securities commissions in IFC member countries.

The IFC also combats corruption through operations of the Foreign Investment Advisory Service (FIAS), a joint service of the IFC and the Bank. FIAS works at the request of IFC member governments, helping them to build effective institutional frameworks for investment promotion strategies and to interact with potential foreign investors. FIAS helps governments achieve their foreign direct investment objectives. Its advisory services seek to stimulate inflows of foreign direct investment by creating a more favorable investment climate in the member country. FIAS's advice typically focuses on reforming laws, policies, and procedures needed to increase those inflows.

The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency's approach to combating fraud and corruption in guarantees
With a mandate to encourage the flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) to developing member countries and transition economies, the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) has a natural interest in the issue of corruption as an inhibitor of FDI flows. While there may not be hard and fast evidence on the role corruption plays in deterring FDI, anecdotal evidence suggests that it is an important factor. Companies are often concerned not only about the initial payments to be made to make a deal but also about their inability to predict the scope and extent of future possible payments. Moreover, as noted elsewhere in the report, companies from some countries, such as the United States are prohibited from paying bribes or offering other extraordinary incentives in order to make a deal. Thus they are at a disadvantage in doing business in countries in which corruption is endemic.

MIGA's focus on corruption comes through both its guarantees activity and its technical assistance programs. In terms of guarantees, MIGA can cancel a contract with an investor if it learns that the investor is not complying with the legislation of the host country. Moreover, MIGA is not legally obliged to pay compensation on a claim against its insurance if it can prove that the investor did not comply with the laws of the country receiving the FDI.

As part of its technical assistance to member countries on attracting FDI, MIGA's technical assistance arm, Investment Marketing Services, includes corruption in its training sessions on attracting and retaining foreign investment. The topic is treated under the heading of investor decisionmaking, stressing the need for transparency and clearly identifying the payment of bribes as an important issue that needs to be addressed.



跳去: 定向, 搵嘢

精明債券(Octavenotes,精債)係種信貸掛鈎、結構性金融貨,摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)賣咗兩百幾億噉嘅嘢,用啲無向投資者公布嘅資產(風險高低都有)做抵押,包括藍籌大公司、大細國、CDO[8],基本原理係投資人幫大行做擔保,間中收下息,當其中抵押公司資產爆幾間,本金就會蝕一闕;幾間抵押資產摺埋爆煲,發行人有權強制甚至無償贖回[1],股民可能一個仙都攞唔返。如果想賣出,而家呢啲嘢市價跌幅高達99%。[2]。

賣呢挺嘢嘅係大摩經空殼公司 Victoria Peak International Finance,發行章程雖然被證監會審批,但用咗好多財經行話[3],其中風險普通街坊難明解,抵押品評級係乜又要事後至知[4]。

10-12系列嘅精債同雷曼兄弟掛鈎,一早爆咗[5];有投資者自己用6% 起賠點(en:attachment point)同6.75%止賠點(en:detachment point)計,15,16,17系列再爆一間零就玩完[6]。





creator of the Minibond

The former Lehman Asia Pacific CDO & Structured Credit Team
Who was the creator of the Minibond ?
The product was created by the CDO & Structured Credit Asia Pacific of Lehman Brothers.

Who is Leon Hindle ?
Loen Hindle was Managing Director and Head of CDO & Structured Credit, Asia Pacific, Lehman Brothers.

Other Senior members in the Lehman Brothers Asia Pacific for CDO & Structured Credit products related may include:

George Sun: is Managing Director and Head of Global Credit Products Sales for Lehman Brothers in Asia ex-Japan. Mr. Sun heads up a team that is responsible for the distribution of all credit products including money markets, high grade credit, high yield credit, loans, private placements, structured credit, CDOs, and emerging market assets.

Ian Croft: is a senior vice president and is responsible for corporate credit securitisation opportunities in Asia ex-Japan, as well marketing and distribution of structured credit products in Singapore and South East Asia.

Patrick Kaye is a Senior Vice President, responsible for Lehman Brothers’ Principal and Structured Finance practice in non-Japan Asia. He and the group arrange securitization financings on behalf of clients as well as asset-based principal investments on behalf of the Firm.

Tay Teck How is a Vice President, in the CDO & Structured Credit, Asia Pacific, Lehman Brothers.

Steve Baker is a Senior Vice President in the CLO Banking group at Lehman Brothers US. Steve is focused on origination, structuring and placement of corporate credit securitizations, CLOs and related products.

Meeting with HKMA (Constellation Notes)


The Managements responsible for Constellation Notes bank frauds in HK.


首懲賣迷債違規 星展職員釘牌3月

首懲賣迷債違規 星展職員釘牌3月

http://paper.wenweipo.com [2009-11-21]
 ■星展銀行發聲明指出,該行一直以客戶利益為依歸。 資料圖片

 【本報訊】(記者 顏茜) 金管局首次就雷曼相關產品銷售失當懲處銀行銷售人員。金管局昨宣布,因星展銀行前僱員梁慧茹向客戶銷售Constellation結構債券時行為失當,決定暫停其牌照3個月,由昨日起至2010年2月19日。金管局並稱,雖然今次證明銀行犯錯,但不會指令銀行賠償給個別客戶,該局現時亦有其他紀律行動個案已進入後期處理程序。星展銀行發表聲明,指該職員於06年已主動離職。


行方:已賠償 冀不再犯


765宗迷債投訴 擬再開刀





2010-01-11 16:00


2010-01-18 16:00
今日(18/1),我聯同有“回購建議”的大新及豐明“雷曼定息保本票據” 十多位投資者與金管局李令翔先生會議。會議上,多位投資者都表達銀行的銷售過程存在欺騙的手法,他們對銀行的回購建議及警方緩慢的刑事調查,表達十分不滿。


11.10.2008 08:42

金管局助理總裁李令翔表示,會研究零售銀行應否再銷售高風險投資產品,認為即使銀行有足夠的風險披露,但銷售高風險產品時,所受的信譽風險太高。 李令翔又指,調查涉及雷曼兄弟相關投資產品的投訴時,會審視銀行是否有適當理據,向低風險承受能力人士推銷高風險產品,亦會檢討銀行體制是否有不妥當的地方











直到今天,我們只見到一個證監會的前高級經理肯本善良心公正地說話,其他坐向社會成就高薪自肥的人,都只是在弄虛作假 !



- Feb 05, 2010

Good news for Minibond holders: Retail investors who bought Lehman Minibond notes can expect to recover between 21.5 percent and 70.8 percent of the amount









《信報》誰要為雷曼事件負責By 王岸然

《信報》誰要為雷曼事件負責By 王岸然
在兩天的聆訊中,泛民議員最有興趣追問,是高秉忠證供之中提及在二○○一年時,當時的證監主席一反證監會十多年的工作常規,直接與前線的監管者開會,要求提供一些快贏方法(Quick Wins),以期盡快搞活經濟。這位沈聯濤主席的做法絕對可笑,這類超級施壓的結果,無異是希望負責審批投資產品的專家放寬他們一貫的標準,以便更多的新投資產品可以推出市場,而類似雷曼迷債這類新的衍生工具投資產品,正是在當時開始出現。




SFC organization and their frauds

Mr. Ko is one of the heads of the Investment Product Division (IPD) and the minibond was approved by the Corporate Finance Division (CFD), and at the material time the CFD was under the supervision of Mr Ashley Alder. The split between IPD and CFD is to offer an artificial regulatory loophole to Lehman Brothers.

The one the Legco should ask is Mr. Ashley Alder who left the SFC in 2004 and returned to Herbert Smith, the English law firm. He has got a lot of explanation to do regarding his years in the SFC from 2001 to 2004.We should focus on the KEY issues as you can expect the government to throw up a lot of peripheral matters to make everything looks confusing.

I believe that Mr Ko was the manager that approved products selling targeted for the insurance industry. One thing that I am quite sure that he said in the hearing .. "He did not approve minibonds".

As to the suing... we sue SFC in the civil court on systematic charges that are common among all victims in each product.. In other words, all the victims can file the same court paper on the same charges as it is not individual case (mis-selling) anymore. We shall get minimum use of legal spending as we could use "do it yourself" court filing. The key thing is to find a charge that can stand to win big in the court. Once one victim won.. all the victims can follow. If all the victims are to submit all at once, it could cripple the legal system.

If the above works, it is likely that we wait for the JR as there will be more illegal findings on SFC or HKMA or to overturn the 60%/70% buyback. Anyway, we intend to do the preparation work in parallel.. ie. running with the two legs

So, what was Mr. Ko doing and what was he involved in approving? I didn't understand. I thought he was involved with approval process of at least the Mini-bonds or Constellation. Sounds weird.

Mr Ko was not involved with the approval process on minibonds, constellation as well as ELN. Perhaps, we could ask the legco to summon those who were actually involved with the approval process on the above products at Ko 's level.

The SFC did what it did because of government pressure back in 2001. Who pressed the government not to regulate?? The local and overseas (mainly USA) banks because they stood to make a lot of money with a spineless regulator. To punish the really culpable is not to sue SFC, after all most of those in 2001 have gone. To make your outrage felt, why don't you walk away from those crooks bankers with your money. GO somewhere else, wire your fund (at least a large chunk of it) overseas. Invest in some other assets that is not likely to benefit the crooks bankers. This is more preferable than law suit. Moreover we have too many spineless judges as well.

Foreign banks also issue Minibonds of their own but they would not sell to their own customers, like UBS. And you may only get 0.01% interest in money market funds oversea. In fact, in HK buying assets in cash may be the only way out and I've never seen these lawyers smile working on these deals right now.

Some call it 'social dynamic' which means that you do not know and probably need not concern too much about the exact impact of certain action because the causal relationships involved are multifarious and intractable.

證監2部門 被指審批迷債過鬆

證監2部門 被指審批迷債過鬆
指2部門欠協調 未附保障要求
  歐達禮(Ashley Alder)於2001年7月獲委任證監會企業融資部執董,及至2004年離任後,由何賢通接掌該部門,而張灼華則自2001年2月起,一直主管投資產品部(當時包括中介團體部)至今。
30 Jan 2010