War on Joseph Yam on frauds cover up
Victims of Lehman Products demand Yam Chi-kong stop being the public enemy!--victims of Lehman Brothers
Victims of Lehman Products demand Hong Kong Monetary Authority's Chief Executive, Joseph Yam Chi-kong stop being the public enemy!
Members of the Legco Sub-committee investigating the Lehman Brothers products saga yesterday (April 24) had unanimously decided to disclose the full report which was sent by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority to the Financial Secretary in January. According to legco sources, the blackout part of the report revealed five categories of suspected mis-selling by the banks.
Victims of Lehman Products welcome the sub-committee's decision as the revelation would help reveal the Lehman saga and increase pressure for the banks that had committed the mis-selling to settle the cases with the victims.
However the Victims are deeply angered on learning that Joseph Yam would consider to start judicial proceedings to block the disclosure of the full report.
Joseph Yam had more than once insisted that disclosure of the full report was against public interest and put the trust between the banks and its clients in jeopardy. The reasons for Joseph Yam's objection were totally groundless and disregarded by the Legco Sub-committee. Action is in hand for the Legco Sub-committee to put up a united front against Joseph Yam. This concerted effort by Legco can be seen as a slap in Yam's face.
Since the Lehman saga in last September, as head of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Joseph Yam, instead of putting the banks in good order, has always protected their vested interests at the expense of the bank victims who have lost all their life-savings and suffer unspeakable agony and misery.
The Allied Victims of Lehman Products denounce the delaying tactics of Joseph Yam and demand him to listen to the voices of the community and stop raising objection to the decision of the Legco Sub-committee.
The Allied Victims stand behind the Legco members and declare war on Joseph Yam!
-Victims of Lehman Brothers-
26 Apr 2009
6 則留言:
24/04/2009 1:43PM
立法會雷曼事件調查小組主席何鍾泰表示, 將於公開聆訊時, 公開金管局雷曼事件調查報告 , 未被公開的部分.
何鍾泰表示, 小組委員一致認為, 報告的內容及資料來源, 在公開後對整個調查帶來正面的效果 .
他表示, 這個決定無需得到金管局同意 , 稍後會去信通知金管局總裁任志剛. 他又表示, 這些未被公開的內容 , 並非一些針對性的資料, 而是銀行業界普遍性的資料, 因此不同意金管局指, 公開內容會影響公眾利益 , 以及影響金管局正在進行的調查 ."
This make me very angry that HKMA Yam is really involved in bank frauds cover up and protecting the banks. That why it takes so long for HKMA to investigate the bank crimes involved in luring banks' customers to buy these high risk derivative products with lies for HKMA never cares the well being of the people of HK. HKMA just allowed banks to get high profits without any supervising of the banking products.
Lehman probe 'uncovers five suspect areas'
Minibonds 'mis-selling' revealed
Parts of a report into the Lehman Brothers minibonds saga withheld from the public revealed five categories of suspected mis-selling, a source said yesterday.
These mainly involve the selling of such products to unsuitable investors, the source, who is close to the legislature, said.
The observations were included in a report by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority sent to the financial secretary in January, but were blacked out from the reports disclosed to the public.
Eight pages of the report, which had been blacked out, featured summary observations of more than 200 cases the authority investigated, the source said. Observations on those cases seemed to agree with claims by victims that many had been sold minibonds, but the risks were not fully explained. The report identified the practice of selling Lehman Brothers minibonds to people who were over 65, illiterate or had only primary school education as the most common type of suspected mis-selling.
Hong Kong investors lost billions of dollars on minibonds guaranteed by Lehman when the US investment bank went bankrupt in September. Despite their name, Lehman minibonds are not corporate bonds but complex, high-risk derivatives.
Another category of suspected mis-selling involved the marketing of minibonds to investors just as their fixed time deposits matured, which may have misled them into thinking minibonds were equally low-risk.
The report also identified cases of minibonds being sold in August and September as the extent of the subprime mortgage crisis in the US was becoming clear. The report questioned whether there had been sufficient market analysis before the minibonds were sold. It also noted documentation irregularities such as missing signatures, and indications of an inadequate risk analysis system.
Yesterday, the chairman of the legislature's subcommittee investigating the minibonds saga, Raymond Ho Chung-tai, said its members had unanimously decided there was no justification for the blackout.
He said members would now use this information in their continued questioning of the monetary authority's chief executive, Joseph Yam Chi-kwong, on Tuesday and may include the information in its own report. However, the source said there was a possibility the authority may wish to initiate judicial proceedings against such a disclosure.
An authority spokesman said it had no comment, but the chairman of the Hong Kong Association of Banks warned that disclosure could affect Hong Kong's status as an international financial services centre. "If there is customer information there - it might affect Hong Kong's status as an international financial centre, because if you disclose customer information, then those customers may no longer want to do business in Hong Kong," said Peter Wong Tung-shun, who is also HSBC's executive director. He said the association would send a letter to the authority to reflect these concerns.
Peter Chan Kwong-yue, chairman of the Allied Victims of Lehman Products, welcomed the disclosure, and said he hoped it set a precedent for the banks to disclose their own internal investigations.
"It also sends an important message because it is a slap in the face of Joseph Yam," he said, referring to the chief executive of the monetary authority.
25 Apr 2009
事主休會辱駡 任總硬挺5分鐘
(明報)4月29日 星期三 05:05
【明報專訊】金管局 總裁任志剛 昨第三度出席立法會 雷曼事件調查小組聆訊,對於小組成員的質詢,他仍應對自如,但對於一眾雷曼事主在休會期間突然發難、怒吼和哭訴,見慣大場面的任志剛也顯得束手無策。對於雷曼事主和小組成員的連環抨擊,任志剛無奈地說﹕「你們說我冷血、無良心,這都不是事實。」他鄭重強調﹕「我們沒包庇銀行。」
小組主席何鍾泰 見形勢混亂,即宣布休會5分鐘,但這5分鐘卻令任志剛被迫坐着捱駡。休會期間,任志剛沒有離場,繼續靜坐在席上,事主未有因現場保安的驅趕而保持肅靜,反愈來愈激動,不斷駡任志剛「無恥」、「冷血」、「不可退休」、「要下台」,有的更以惡言相向,指着任總高叫「仆街」、「食蕉」等,也有事主激動得淚灑當場。
HKMA Yam cover up of the bank frauds make everybody very angry at him. May be he is involved in cover up of other HK high officials such as Tong, Tsang brothers etc. that were involved in bringing Lehman Minibonds to HK, but his neglect of his duties as bonds expert in allowing HK banks to commit so much bank frauds is totally unforgivable.
敬啟者: 就 閣下電郵所提出之事項,本局的回覆如下: 香港金融管理局(金管局)一直堅持將金管局雷曼報告被刪除部份作保密處理的原因是希望保障投訴人的利益。因為將來中介機構或個人可能會對金管局或證監會向該等機構或個人採取的監管行動提出法律挑戰,指當局在調查中的個案的適當程序完成前已經作出結論。此外,過早公開有關段落可能會對部分投資者提出,並正在進行中的民事法律程序,以及證監會為鼓勵和解而可能與雷曼相關結構性產品分銷商進行的談判(有機會讓投資者獲得賠償)帶來負面影響。雖然不同的人對於過早公開報告被刪除段落可能會對投訴人造成不良影響的風險會有不同的評估,但作為負責任的監管機構,金管局不能夠忽略有關風險。 然而,立法會雷曼小組委員會於早前的會議上已經決定公開被刪除的部份,而事實上該部份在過去數日亦已被傳媒作廣泛報導。金管局對公開報告與否的論據已變得學術性。無論如何,金管局會一如既往,繼續與小組委員會充分合作。 另外,金管局要重申一點,本局並沒有維護或包庇銀行。倘若證實銀行涉及違規銷售,本局定必嚴肅處理。 謝謝。 香港金融管理局公眾查詢服務組 (See attached file: A letter to Mr Yam.doc)
Subject (主題): 雷曼苦主強烈要求任志剛不要再與民為敵 Message (內容): 致金融管理局各負責職員: 立法會雷曼小組委員會昨日(4月24日)全體一致同意下周二向市民公開金管局調查出售雷曼產品银行報告的所有保密內容,我們深表歡迎,但稍後却傳出金管局總裁任志剛打算提出司法覆核的消息。 任志剛所持的反對理由是公開保密內容不符合公眾利益,其實目的是保障银行利益,不惜犧牲苦主的一生財產,委實令人髮指。立法局雷曼小組全體委員均不同意任志剛的歪理,所以決定随時召開緊急會議,作好開戰準備,為了尋求真相而努力。 自從雷曼事件發生以來,任志剛一貫維護銀行,推卸責任,身為金管局總裁十六年,享盡重權厚祿,他所負責監管的銀行出事,又豈能厚顏無恥,置身事外! 我們雷曼苦主嚴正要求任志剛放棄尋求司法覆核,不應採取無理可恥的拖延策略,應順勢適時作出有良心的補救行動,儘快協助立法會調查小組的エ作。 雷曼苦主全力支持立法會雷曼小組委員會對公義的堅持! 雷曼苦主上 二零零九年四月二十五日
But US and Chinese newspaper reported the cover up of Banks frauds and who would trust HK bankers that lies to customers to sell false bonds and the delaying actions of HKMA and police in charging the bank fruads :
With these news, the whole world knew HK is not the international financial center of the world any more no matter what HKMA is arguing in the replies.
From emails of JL
Date: 8 May 2009 11:33:08 AM GMT+08:00
To: bankcomplaints@hkma.gov.hk, complaint@sfc.hk, info@fstb.gov.hk, slchan@legco.gov.hk, sc_hs01_08@legco.gov.hk
Cc: Charles.wong@reginaip.hk, dphk@dphk.org, lehman@civicparty.hk, lsd@lsd.org.hk, yck@dab.org.hk, chankamlamlegco@yahoo.com.hk, hotsewai@netvigator.com, margaret@margaretng.com, nwkam@dphk.org, paultse@paultse.org, plc@legco.gov.hk, regina.ip@savantas.org
Subject: 銀行是否按照“操守准則”來銷售迷你債卷的??
儘管銀行和金管局都一直把迷債的問題歸於雷曼的倒閉和某些銀行職員的“不良銷售”, 而絕口不提銀行在銷售迷你債卷是是否盡職的問題。
為甚麼金管局和銀行絕口不提銀行對於其客戶應該付有甚麼樣的責任的問題 ??
為甚麼金管局和銀行絕口不提銀行是否按照“操守准則”來銷售迷你債卷的 ??
如果銀行是有按照“操守准則”, 盡職地銷售迷你債卷, 給客戶解釋了迷債的的真實特徵和風險 ,給了客戶充分的相關資料的話,光明正大地給公眾公布一下,只能有助於曏公眾顯示銀行的誠意和誠信, 有助於以實際行動顯示“"香港銀行業曏來依據最高的專業守則經營"(而不僅僅是在廣告上)。
SFC Code of Conduct requires that "Intermediaries were still under an obligation pursuant to the Code of Conduct to explain the nature and risks of the product they were selling",
and "make adequate disclosure of relevant material information".
1。 為甚麼銀行不敢光明正大地曏公眾再次解釋銀行對於迷債的的真實特徵和風險 ?
(事實是:銀行對於產品介紹的共同點是:只介紹迷債跟7個著名公司信貸掛鈎而只字不提抵押品,從未解釋迷債不是投入到跟7個公司相關的債卷或資產之中, 從未介紹迷債還跟其它諸多公司(100多)信貸掛鈎的相關風險。這是幾年一貫的一致Pattern,金管局至今所調查的400多個例就可證明此 Pattern。或許銀行公會可以提供不同的個例?)
為甚麼銀行不可以光明正大地以系列19和27為例(or other series)再次給公眾解釋一遍 ?
2。為甚麼銀行未有給客戶提供充足的迷你債卷風險的相關資料 ?
那么, 在2004至2008的不同經濟環境下,銀行都是始終一貫地大肆介紹跟7個著名A/AA評級公司掛鈎,始終只字不提抵押品的風險,只字不提抵押品還跟其它100多 個(不是1個或 10個)公司掛鈎,而且那些公司的平均評級低於A並包括 sub-investment grade 的公司。
银行确实了解 "跟100多 個公司 信贷掛鈎" 的風險 和 "跟 1個 或 10個 公司 信贷掛鈎" 的風險 是非常不同的吧?!
- 迷你債卷是跟7個著名A/AA公司的信貸掛鈎.
- 迷你債卷的CDO抵押品是跟100多個公司的信貸掛鈎,其中有的公司的信貸評級是 低於”投資“(即sub-investment grade)評級. CDO抵押品中的信貸掉期破產合約將抵押品組合中的掛鈎公司的信貸風險合成地轉移到了抵押品的持有人(即:迷你債卷持有人)身上 。
銀行有甚麼理由以“7”代替這 100多個公司呢?如果是經濟好的緣故的話,就更不用擔心披露這100多個公司了吧?
銀行有甚麼理由认为这 合成CDO抵押品的信息不是 Material Information to Minibond ?
In fact, No professional intermediary could have valued the Minibond using only the information provided in Program Prospectus & Issue Prospectus & marketing material.
3。 為甚麼銀行不敢勇於承認自己是違背了 以上“操守准則”的要求的?
银行认为自己没错的主要依据是把 Program Prospectus 和发行章程给了客户。所以,银行已经尽了责任了。
发行章程的内容监管不是银行的责任。 可是,银行在给客户发行章程的时候,是否要对产品有所理解从而确定这些章程确实是给客户提供了充分的跟产品相关的资料 ?
或者说, 银行的责任是否只是不问青红皂白,不需加以理解地,作为一个 no-brainer,按发行商指令,把发行章程给了客户就算是万事大吉了? 简单总结一下,几年以来,银行只是负责把章程给了客户,不管那章程是不是提供了充分的相关风险资料。因为银行只是一个no-brainer的挣卖产品佣金的销售商?
银行对客户的一切解释是等于零,解释了等于没有解释。银行不需要理解产品的内容。银行的职责是发行商叫给什么资料就给什么资料与客户。银行对客户的责任其实是不包括有向其客户解释和提供相关风险的信息和资料的责任的。至于发行商推荐的资料是否提供了充分的相关风险资料,那就不属于银行的责任范畴了。银行是作为一个 no-brainer 的销售商,只管销售而已。
4。 為甚麼銀行不可以曏迷債持有者披露當初在決定銷售這個產品時,所接受過的相關培訓資料以及相關公司的名稱?
6。 請問:銀行對於迷債的實質的理解是否跟以下新鴻基的相關人士的言論相似呢?
(i) Quotes from Sun Hung Kai News Release on Minibond Series#28 (Oct.2006)
[ Mr. Francis Wong, Head of Structured Products Distribution of SHK Securities Limited, said, “Minibond Series 28 is the ideal choice for investors who desire to yield a stable income in view of the interest rate trends that may fluctuate. Being linked to a basket of shares of high-quality international financial institutions, this minibond series renders to investors potential total returns of as high as 51.50%, provided that no credit event arises during the period. Investors could secure assured positive returns in the subsequent years when the interest rates are predicted to be on the downturn”. ]
(ii) Quotes from “The Standard Finance” (13 Aug. 2007)
[ (……) (Zoe Leung, deputy head of structured products distribution at Sun Hung Kai Financial) Leung (……). "Our product is linked to high investment grade financial institutions like Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs," she (Zoe Leung) says.
The spread on bonds issued by these investment banks are seen to be volatile lately, but this has had no impact on their fundamentals, Leung points out. (…...)
"The product appeals to those who like time deposits”, Leung says. ]
另外,金管局對「適合性」的處理亦令人失望。證監會提交的雷曼報告書指出,政府對投資產品銷售的監管架構,是建基於「披露」和「適合性」這「兩大支柱」。證監會發放給銀行的「適合性」要求,包括三項主要方面: (一)認識你的客戶; 如投資知識、投資期、承受風險的能力; (二)認識你推介的投資產品, 如「透徹理解」投資產品的結構、運作方式,其包含的投資項目的性質及風險; (三)就客戶的情作合適的配對,並要用淺白易懂的言語向客戶不偏不倚地解釋產品的缺點及風險,對長者及缺乏投資經驗的客戶,應特別審慎。
真不明白,金管局為何可以讓銀行賣給非專業投資者達數年之久,而且客戶有數萬之眾,其中包括弱智、弱視及文盲人士,而在雷曼出事前,一直查不到違反「適合性」、以至足以被公開譴責的個案。* 任志剛在立法局雷曼小組作供時承認,《證券及期貨條例》較《銀行業條例》賦予金管局較多權力以執行前線監管工作,例如《證券及期貨條例》第180條對中介人的監管及調查的權力,遠較《銀行業條例》第55條的相應條款為高。
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