

協助雷曼苦主 並非輸打贏要財經事務及庫務局局長陳家強昨與多間雷曼迷你債券銷售銀行代表會晤後表示,已要求銀行主動接觸有關的投資者,並增撥資源處理問題。銀行公會亦宣布成立專責小組,跟進迷你債券的投訴。雷曼迷你債券受美國金融海嘯波及,發酵至今,已經有一段時間,涉及數以千計市民的利益,而損失的金額可能高達數十億港元。蒙受損失的市民怨氣沖天,批評政府對事件存在監管失誤,而金融機構及其職員則被指以失實推銷手法誤導投資者。政府有責任施加壓力,促使業界承擔相應的責任,以及檢討日後加強對金融衍生產品的監管;同時也要避免傳遞投資失誤可向政府索償、輸打贏要的訊息,破壞了金融市場風險自擔的遊戲規則。雷曼兄弟迷你債券事件擾攘多日,近日有傳媒報道,指有銀行與苦主達成妥協,願意作出賠償,消息旋即被相關銀行否認,受影響的苦主向銀行的賠償追討陷入膠着狀態。事件發展至今,苦主的損失究竟是因為自己的投資失誤,還是被銀行職員誤導所致,社會上存在一定爭議。正如美國的7,000億救市方案在眾議院被否決一樣,反映有民意認為次按危機完全是瘋狂的投機行為造成的,按照自由經濟原則,金融海嘯的後果沒有理由讓政府包底,讓納稅人來「埋單」。我們認為,香港迷你債券事件不可與美國相提並論,相當部分的案例並非投資失誤那麼簡單。銀行的推銷手法、政府對高風險金融產品的監管有不可推卸的責任。迷你債券把高風險的結構性金融產品包裝成類似定期存款的保本產品,再推銷給投資者,從中賺取豐厚的佣金。而購買迷你債券的小投資者,很多是長者或退休人士,與銀行已有多年存款關係。如今雷曼兄弟已告倒閉,這些投資很可能化為烏有。投資風險固然應該自負,但分銷迷你債券的中介人,包括銀行、投資公司及其職員有否遵守專業守則?例如,銀行是否對推銷的職員有足夠的培訓和指引?銀行職員向顧戶進行產品解釋時,有否清晰說明風險,提醒客戶作出判斷?這是今日釐清各方責任的關鍵。迷你債券、股票掛鈎票據等信貸相聯的結構性金融產品,是近年華爾街新興的金融創新產品,具有投資大、高風險、結構複雜的特點,部分海外國家是不容許向散戶銷售此類產品的。

2 則留言:

2009年4月30日 下午9:37 , Blogger hanhoco 說...


On the sidelines at the Boao Forum for Asia in Hainan, Premier Wen jiabao noted (recognises) Hong Kong's efforts to stabilise its financial system and create job opportunities during the economic downturn. "The Premier said the Central Government supports the strengthening of Hong Kong's status as an international finance centre. He said we will always have the Mainland's strong support."

Premier Wen also sent his regards to the Hong Kong people.

We greatly appreciate Premier Wen’s comments showing strong support to us, and we would like to say thanks to Premier Wen. We would also like to send our sincere regards to our Premier. Hong Kong people love Hong Kong and we also love our country China and its leaders. Hong Kong people are proud of China and its increasing remarkable role in the world economy. Hong Kong people were also used to be proud of its stature as a key financial centre built on its high standard of market transparency, disclosure and prudently supervised financial institutions. Hong Kong's success is partly attributable to the characteristics of its people. They are always striving for the better and have substantially contributed to the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong, and its success.

Unfortunately, HKSAR government has failed to avoid the Lehman crisis and allowed toxic products for sale to the average citizen causing these investors tremendous and substantial innocent losses. They also failed to handle the crisis properly.

In Chinese history during Ming dynasty, there was General Wu Sangui (吳三桂), a traitor who opened the gates of the Great Wall at Shanhai Pass to let Manchu soldiers into China proper.

Now, we have our HKSAR officials’ who are even worse traitors than Wu Sangui (吳三桂) and betrayed Hong Kong people and allowed the financial institutions to rob them of their lifetime savings. These include:

1./ Chief Executive Mr. Donald Tsang Yam-kuen (1993 –Secretary for the Treasury, 1996 – Financial Secretary, 2001 Chief Secretary for Administration, 2006, Chief Executive of Hong Kong).

2./ Chief Secretary for Adminstration Mr. Henry Tang Ying-yen (former FS 2003-2007),

3./ Former FS Mr. Antony Leung Kam-chung (2001-2003)

4./ Former Secretary for Financial Services and Treasury Mr. Frederick Ma Si-hang (2002-2007)

5./ Former Chairman of SFC, Mr. Andrew Sheng

6./ Chairman of SFC, Mr. Martin Wheatley

7./ Chief Executive of HKMA, Mr. Joseph Yam Chi-Kwong

The SFC opened the gates to the toxic financial derivative products which may only be sold to sophisticated experienced investors in the US where these products come from. It is a responsibility the HKSAR Government must not and cannot shirk. They are to be blamed. They have betrayed the Hong Kong people. We are losing our trust in this Government.

As a Chief Executive of HKSAR, it is not merely a job. There is even a distinction between leadership and management. Unfortunately, our Chief Executive and other officials are only focused on protecting their job, not even getting the job done. They have not protected and served the Hong Kong people.

Phillip Khan"

For all of the high officials that were involved in Minibonds saga, only Henry Tang was involved in promoting bonds and Minibonds products in radios.

2009年5月8日 下午6:07 , Blogger hanhoco 說...


(星島)2009年5月9日 星期六 06:30

(星島日報 報道)政府計畫發債千億,財經事務及庫務局 日前向立法會 補交進一步資料交代發債詳情。政府建議零售債券的最低認購額為五萬元,息率跟隨市場變化而定,港府消息人士估計,息率會略高於美債。至於發債籌集的款項將由外匯基金管理,港府預料每年的回報將超過六厘,相信遠高於首批發行的官債息率。立法會不同黨派議員認同發債息率應跟隨巿場變化,不應因外匯基金回報率高而隨意提高債券的息率。


   財經事務委員會主席民建聯 陳鑑林 估計,小組審議不會超過三個月。港府則希望議員在七月八日本 立法年度結束前通過決議案,否則會錯失時機。




   但公民黨 湯家驊 表示,現時美國 國債息率亦只有一厘,若本港發債利息有兩厘,已經是「非常高」,且發債對政府始終有風險,不能單以外匯基金回報率而決定債券利息。民建聯陳鑑林亦指本港債券息率不應偏離市場水平:「這種傳統債券都係與儲蓄率貼近,就算息率高過市場,最多只會多百分之零點二五。」


This should be done in 2003. But HKMA Yam did not do it while Tang 唐英年 was a useless 司長 to let HK banks to go to derivative products for huge profits to compete with insurrance companies up to now. You can get studies of HK financial market from HKMA funded research papers since 2003 from HK University Professor Paul Lejot others papers. You can use search engines to find most of them published in varies Univerisities.



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