
Varies HK banks frauds

I got the following informations from people (mostly Singapore informations) in early version of discuss.com and from China economist as director of H-share company after they knew about how Shanghai Comercial bank started to sell Minibonds to me. Coorperate bonds will default and they paid higher interest, that why government bonds used to pay lower interest. HK banks such as Shanghai Commercial Bank did first sold coorperate bonds such as Hutchison bonds in year 2000, but they ran out of coorperate bonds for they could not compete with European private banks in Euro market, then HK gov. started to push Minibonds and the bank looked into the 100 or more CDO's inside Minibonds and all of them are safe and they sold these Minibonds to customers lying to customers that these Minibonds were much safer than coorperate bonds by putting these structure products as low risks. And top management in bank looked into these Minibonds and approved the sales. Shanghai Commercial Bank also knew that HSBC will look after the Minibonds if Lehman defaults. Then the bank run out of Minibonds, and they started to sell high risk DBS Constellation notes and Morgan Stanley notes to customers even thru they knew that these structured products were medium risk at that time. The sales people started to afraid and some quit but top management push for more sales to get higher profits for banks. In 2007, HKMA informed them what they had sold contains high risk CDOs. So the bank started to sell less Constellation Notes, but in order to keep much higher profit, the banks cover up these informations to customers and still rated these structured products as low risks to cover up these informations to their customers. In the meantimes, they started to sell more accumulators to their customers for bigger profits. Even after I complained to HKMA in Sept. 2008, the bank still rated Minibonds as low risks against HKMA rules and blames Lehman for the defaults and cover up the role of HSBC and put the loss to their customers. And the bank now start to trick customers to sell all their Octave notes in order to cover up that these structures products are high risks and only this months, the bank put high risk in their Octave notes.

For Standard Chartered Bank, the bank managers keep on calling their customers with deposits to buy ELN, and anybody that did not buy their Lehman ELN, they treatened the customers that they will close their banking accounts. My wife and her mother were treatened in 2008, but they still refused to buy ELN. But my wife friend did bought the Lehman ELN thinking she would get the stock back but these were false ELN now the values went to zero. Now Standard Chartered Bank is asking her to look for refund from Lehman Europe.

For DBS, the banks also urged their customers to buy into ELN, Constellation Notes and Minibonds. And since DBS is still among the small banks group in HK. I knew some customers did not believe the bank and withdraw their money from DBS to save the troubles. Others in internet believed in the bank and asked me to call them to see what they can do for their lost.

HSBC also called their customers in year 2008 to sell their ELI and other investment products, but they issued their own ELI with interest up to 10%, and values of their own ELI all dropped 70% after Sept. 08.

From the police headquarter, I was informed that for others banks, they all called their customers at home and pretended the minibonds were safe deposit. And the banks falsified the signatures if their customers were too old to come to banks. Many still don't know their saving are lost until they find out they received no interest payments and the cases keep on coming.

You have to see these happenings then you will believe what are happening in HK.

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3 則留言:

2009年4月13日 上午7:38 , Blogger hanhoco 說...

原帖由 bitter_pan 於 2009-4-13 07:10 PM 發表
我自己做銀行0既,我自己有買雷曼、屋企人有買、朋友都有買。老實講,真係有銀行前線人員擺明車馬呃人,我親眼見唔少聽唔少。有時我都做到好心淡,以前都唔係咁0既,d 不擇手段0既sales成日爆數,而d高層根本唔會理你d生意係點0黎,就算偷呃拐騙都無所謂,總之有生意就得,隻眼開、隻眼閉。d銀行高層話雷曼苦主個案係個別例子,簡直係不負責任,狼心狗肺...
其實唔止我一個銀行從業員有感,好多同行都好同情雷曼苦主同勁憎d用不良銷售手法0既銀行從"孽"員,不過我地根本有口難言,好似有個同行出0左本書(銀行有罪? - 分行sales無間道),列0西d銀行從"孽"員佢地點樣呃人(冒簽、誤導、自編自導自演...)0既過程同內幕,無幾耐就工都無返...所以我地就算想出0黎爆料都驚d高層秋後算帳!

Because I was too busy in the afternoon, so I had not attended the meetings with HKMA about investigation of HK banks frauds, but during the meeting with Consumer Council, I did suggested to Law professor and lawyers in Consumer Council to hire your ex-banker friends -(有個同行出0左本書(銀行有罪? - 分行sales無間道),列0西d銀行從"孽"員佢地點樣呃人(冒簽、誤導、自編自導自演...)0既過程同內幕) as investigators for Consumer Council handling bank frauds investigation. These actions are much cheaper than to go to court for HK tax payers money. And even Legco members think these are a good ideas. For court cases involved with HSBC in US about Minibonds, the US lawyers did actually hired a few ex-Lehman employees.

2009年5月5日 上午7:05 , Blogger hanhoco 說...

HKMA blackbox investigation -- written by Bill

I was contacted by HKMA last month to update information for the case of my complaint. They promised to update me progress. However, I haven't got any update until now. At the same time, I also sent e-mail to the sales (Standard Chartered Bank ) who proposed the Lehman structure note to me, asking her the real nature of this product. She also didn't know very well. After 2 days, she replied me and told me that the product should be categorized as " senior unsecure debt ".
I asked her why she didn't mention this term to me. No matter it is called senior or junior, such wording " unsecure " would be so eye flashing to me and decided not to buy. She couldn't answer me. Then, I asked if she was informed by her senior this term as well, she just promised me to send my case for further investigation.

I also sent the e-mail copy to HKMA's bank complaint section. However, there are no feedback at all. Understood there are so many case being investigated, however, there are no progress how many % hv bn completed and when it would be ended. Just keep us waiting or until we are exhausted ?

Last week, I got a phone call from Standard Chartered bank. They said tt they would like to get more information for my complaint. The caller is very polite but the bank has no intention to authorize any officer to propose buy-back. Below are Q + A between the caller and me.

Q -- I found news in LBV Website that Standard Chartered Bank annouced most of
complaints for Lehman products have been settled. However, I might be the
minority who doesn't get settlement. So, what problem in my case they don't
consider settlement ?

A --- They said that is misunderstanding. " Settlement " in their annoucement
doesn't mean any customer got money back. It meant most of complaints have
been completed investigation.

Q --- I told them that I also got their self-explaination letter to declare
no wrong doing in the selling procedure. In their letter, they just
recommend some lehman relevant website to check the liguidation status.
Though they denied their own liability, it seems that they don't even
want to waste any money to hire attorney to chase settlement oversea.

A ---- They said that they are following up this case closely.

Q ---- Why I haven't got any report from them ?

A ---- It takes time, need to wait.

Q ---- There are a hotline number in the letter. Mentioned that we could contact
them if we have problem with bank's explaination. Then, I called. The
officer just kept on telling me that investigation is ended and they didn't
find anything wrong. If they have no intention to investigate the truth and
confess any improper selling method from their own officer, why they shows
me the number and waste my time to call ?

A --- Quiet.

Q ---- I believe that bank should have profit in selling those product, why bank
can't diclose the figure ? They may book their profit already and sacrifice
victims' whole life saving . This is unethnical greed. Can we have any
channel to know the profit bank got from selling those product ?

A ---- This is not in the scope of invetigation.

Q ---- If your sales couldn't tell me category / nature of those product
immediately, it means that they didn't provide full information and risk
exposure to me. Does it mean that the transaction is illegal and bank has
to pay back me the whole amt ?

A ---- quiet

2009年5月30日 上午9:09 , Blogger hanhoco 說...


今天上午5月29日(星期六) 11:30左右, 約100 名星展苦主前往灣仔鵝頸橋分行. 星展苦主第一炮特擊
提款 大行動, 非常成功, 於12:30 左右, 星展保安把大門關上, 不再讓苦主及客戶進入, 不做生意.

其間有一位苦主要提款50萬人, 有些苦主要求停止戶口, 有些苦主要求要做10元匯款單,
種種不同的方式提款, 令到 星展職員無可奈何, 應接不暇, 其間有一位中年男職員,
抵不住良心的責備, 竟然當眾哭泣, 因覺得自己令眾多苦主受害, 一時感觸, 失控, 當場出丑,
又大叫大喊, 把頭撞向牆上. 當場的一些苦主勸阻, 叫他不要傷害自已, 但他實在抵不住良心的責備
苦主勸阻無效, 此情此景, 令一眾苦主們搖頭歎息, 早知如此, 何必當初啦 !!!

毒債害人, 無良老千銀行令苦主損失金錢, 也令職員蒙受其害, 這真是見利忘義的明證了!
星展銀行為難苦主, 已經一拖再拖, 不作回應, 只叫前線職員去面對苦主, 更可恥的在場分行高層經理,
一句慰問都沒有, 只是馬上叫白車送他去醫院.

到了 下午2時左右, 大家肚子餓, 有一位四歲小朋友抵不住肚餓, 扭計, 而他媽媽的情緒一度失控,
經在場苦主安慰下, 情況好轉, 一名苦主在外收到我們的通知, 送了40-50多個菠蘿包, 於是大家苦主
就在這時齊齊座下, 享受這頓小午餐, 暫時充飢….

到了下午3時左右, 苦主要小解, 保安比出唔比入, 令苦主難受, 一度起哄之下, 與保安彊持理論,
情急之下, 一位苦主把垃圾桶的垃圾倒下, 在三樓拉起橫閣掩護苦主在垃圾桶小解….

到了下午4時左右, 民主黨陳嘉偉到場為苦主打氣, 隨即亦有傳媒到來拍攝及來電訪問.

到了4時半左右, 一翻的談判及警方仇Sir 的周旋之下, 終於答應把今天出席苦主的簽名及一封
請願信於星期一交比高層王潔鳳, 我們強烈要求, 一星期內再沒有回覆我們的訴求.
一連串的反擊大行動, 會一浪接一浪, 直到與我們被拒絕的星展苦主達成和解協議為止.

銀行就是害怕我們堅持! 銀行就是害怕我們討債! 苦主們啊! 齊心就事成, 團結的力量是重要, 由今天開
始大家 更要互相扶持的走下去吧! 星展苦主是永不放棄的 !!! 請苦主積極參與, 每次必須親自前來參與.
簽名行動, 每次行動的簽名及苦主核心成員都有一封信交比星展銀行請願, 直至大家得到賠償為止.

在此其間非常感謝大聯盟成員葉珍, 何小姐在場支援拍攝及錄影, 更多謝大聯盟成員謝先生及魏先生打來
電話慰問, 打氣支特…

今天的行動, 請名位苦主留意大聯盟綱頁公佈.

下一次行動, 約定你, 請踴躍報名….人在做, 天在看, 有你們的支持, 才有成果的一天 !!!!!!!!




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