Default on Octave note 10
The Morgan Stanley Octave Note 10 values has just drop to 0, and there are still nothing done for past months about my complaints to legco about Prof. Chan and his wife action in this matter
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello,For Octave Note 10 that I owned, the followinginformation is given by Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd.
There is also government official involved in this case, pls see following:
"原帖由 winwin168 於2008-11-10 02:52 AM 發表
1. 陳家強局長太太為摩根士丹利的高層人員當陳家強局長首次公開對迷你債券事件表態是用上:巿民不應購買自己不認識及不能承擔風險的的產品,直至曾俊華司長才用上:對苦主深表同情的字眼
2. 摩根士丹利以"精明債券"的名稱,透過Victoria Peak International FinanceLimited這獨立公司發行多達二十多系列的迷你債券,結構跟雷曼擔保的迷你債券或星展的結構性票據,可謂一脈相承曾司長曾表示回購大部份苦主可取回六成,曾蔭權特首表示回購有六至七成收回時,陳局長毎急不及侍表示政府並無估計,亦提醒買了迷你債券的散戶,可能遠低於本金.陳局長何以能拿握得如此準確,其資來源又從何來,真的跟他太太没關係嗎?我們都好想清楚.
3. 在這次雷曼破產事件中,其中精明債券系列十至十二的結果也近似星展公布的結果,亦即我們苦主當中亦有陳局長太太銀行銷售的債券產品在此次雷曼事件中,摩根士丹利發行的精明債券十至十二亦跟星展的迷你債券同樣下,陳局長在星展公佈掛勾雷曼的票據等於零時,陳局長馬上澄清跟雷曼擔保的迷你債券不同,可謂此地無銀,同時亦強化了日後相同處理手法的合理性,為精明債券舖路.由於以上各點的存疑,懇請徹查及還苦主一個公道,亦還金管局與銀行一個公道,亦希望立法會有關專責小組可引用特權法,徹查局長的職責是否能公平公正地處理事件.迷你債券的苦主們其實我們並不分離的,無論是中了那種地雷,問題都是一樣:為何有毒投資產品可以出售?還大家一個公道"
The above link is
Pls investigate.
--- SL LEE <
> wrote:
> Our Ref :
> Telephone: 2526 4027
> Facsimile 2521 7518>
> 4 November 2008> > > ,
> Dear >
> Complaint regarding the sale of investment products
> related to Lehman Brothers by banks>
> Further to our letter to you dated 26
> September 2008, this
> Secretariat has received your e-mail and fax on 30
> October 2008 providing
> supplementary information on the captioned
> complaint.>
> Please be advised that we will write to the
> Financial Services and
> the Treasury Bureau, the Hong Kong Monetary
> Authority and the Securities
> and Futures Commission for response. When we hear
> from them, we will make
> a report to and consult Members, and revert to you
> as soon as possible.> >
> Yours sincerely,>
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