
Grenville Cross 江樂士

Courts should open doors to cameras

Grenville Cross urges Hong Kong to follow the trend in other jurisdictions of allowing court proceedings to be televised, because it would help broaden public understanding of the criminal justice system

Justice is open to everyone," Judge Sturgess supposedly said, "in the same way as the Ritz Hotel." Although people in Hong Kong have the right to go to court to watch the proceedings, very few do so. Open justice, however, is a very good thing, and much more should be done to make the judicial process more understandable to the public at large.

That why the judges could hide how they mis-judged in Lehman Minibonds mis-selling frauds for two courts case concerning Bank of China.

In recent years, many common law jurisdictions have recognised the need for the director of public prosecutions to have the control of prosecutions, and for the political master to disengage from the prosecution process. In 2009, the attorney general of England and Wales transferred the bulk of prosecution powers to the DPP, and this provides a model for Hong Kong. The secretary for justice, who reports to the chief executive, is a government minister, appointed by the central authorities, yet he is also the chief prosecutor, which involves a clear conflict of roles. If the secretary disengages from prosecutions in favour of the DPP, this will promote public confidence in the integrity of the criminal justice system, and align Hong Kong with international trends.

I Grenville Cross SBS, QC, SC is the Vice-Chairman of the Senate of the International Association of Prosecutors. He was appointed Director of Public Prosecutions of Hong Kong, China, after the reunification in 1997, and held this post until 2009. Mr Cross served on the Executive Committee of the International Association of Prosecutors from 2007 to 2010. A member of the Bars of England and Wales, and of Hong Kong, he was appointed Queen’s Counsel (QC) in 1990, becoming Senior Counsel (SC) in 1997. Mr Cross is Honorary Professor of Law, University of Hong Kong, Visiting Professor of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Adjunct Professor of Law, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing. He is Sentencing Editor of Hong Kong Cases and of Archbold Hong Kong, and Co-author of Sentencing in Hong Kong. In 2010, he was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star (SBS), for his contribution to the development of prosecution services in Hong Kong, and the Certificate of Merit of the International Association of Prosecutors, for his contribution to global efforts to prosecute crime.

江樂士狠插黃仁龍 - 東方日報

高官貪腐陰霾籠罩香江,曾經為本港司法制度把關、負責檢控工作的前任刑事檢控專員江樂士(Grenville Cross)忍不住開腔發炮,指特首曾蔭權爵士及前任政務司司長許仕仁等人先後捲入接受富商款待及涉嫌收受利益等醜聞,分別遭廉政公署調查及拘捕;政府最高層的現任及前任官員同時惹官非,帶給社會的震盪是史無前例的(unprecedented),在現時政府管治威信蒙陰影時刻,律政司司長黃仁龍應即時把檢控權交予非政治任命的刑事檢控專員,作出公平公正公開的檢控決定,始能釋除公眾疑慮。


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