【on.cc 東方互動 專訊】 中國銀行高級經理戴晶,被控2項欺詐誘使他人投資的罪名,案件今日在區域法院開審。控方指,戴晶於2008年誤導2名客戶分別以逾30萬元及100萬元,購買雷曼迷你債券。戴晶對2名客戶作出虛假陳述,包括向客戶表示雷曼迷你債券是保本的低風險投資。
HK Lehman Minibonds , Morgan Stanley Octave Notes, and related products misselling fraud of BOCHK, Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd. Reports of bank frauds were hidden to public. HK Legco in their report put Joseph Yam of HKMA responsible for not supervising the banking system of HK , and disapprove Prof. Chan, John Tsang and Martin Wheatley for their handling of Lehman saga.
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