東方民調:部分現任局長劣迹斑斑 - 東方日報
東方民調:部分現任局長劣迹斑斑 - 東方日報
財經事務及庫務局局長陳家強 經濟判斷能力受質疑,數年前曾發出「金融風暴不會重現」的錯誤訊息,結果雷曼兄弟爆煲引發金融海嘯,港府毫無準備,更暴露金融制度對迷債缺乏監管。後來陳家強又斷言金融海嘯已經結束,言猶在耳,歐洲央行警告說危機已經結束是言之過早,陳家強又遭摑一巴掌。
HK Lehman Minibonds , Morgan Stanley Octave Notes, and related products misselling fraud of BOCHK, Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd. Reports of bank frauds were hidden to public. HK Legco in their report put Joseph Yam of HKMA responsible for not supervising the banking system of HK , and disapprove Prof. Chan, John Tsang and Martin Wheatley for their handling of Lehman saga.
東方民調:部分現任局長劣迹斑斑 - 東方日報
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